From reunions in the loo queue, to hallucinating about forgetting to pull her pants back up after another loo stop at 65 kays, this is the entertaining story of René Kalmer’s successful Comrades Marathon debut. – By Sean Falconer
Tag: Rene Kalmer
‹ BackKeep Kalmer, It’s Just the Comrades!
Some people in South Africa believe that you’re not a ‘real runner’ until you have run the Comrades Marathon, no matter how many national titles you’ve won, or Olympic Marathons you’ve run. Just ask sisters René and Christine Kalmer, who for many years have lit up the South African running scene, from track and cross country, to marathons and shorter ultras… and yet still sometimes feel that their Comrades-running husbands are the ‘real runners’ in the family. But that’s set to change this June. – By Sean Falconer
Kalmer’s Corner: The Big C
If it were not for the two-year hiatus due to the COVID pandemic, this year’s Comrades Marathon would have been my Green Number 10 th … as
a supporter! – By René Kalmer