Losing Fluids on the Run

Have Your SAY


We receive many great letters from our readers and enjoy sharing some of them with you. If you would like to send us a letter regarding any topic, go to www.modernathlete.co.za and click on the Become a Contributor link. (Note that some letters have been shortened due to space limitations.)

BDO Peninsula Marathon Disgrace
I have serious reservations about ever competing in an event organised by Top Events. On the half marathon course there were no water tables between the 7km and 16km mark! When I finished the run and was driving home, the table at 16km was being packed up, despite the fact that there were still many runners on the course. So these poor souls had no water from 7km to the end.

I personally thought that the organisation was a total disgrace and that Celtic Harriers cannot absolve themselves from the blame. They appointed Top Events to undertake the running of the event and should have taken measures to ensure that they live up to their ‘Top Events’ name.

In addition to the water points fiasco, the registration the day before was also totally disorganised. We had to stand outside in the blazing sun for more than 45 minutes (thank goodness it wasn’t raining). – SIMON SPECK

Top Events Replies: Top Events and Peninsula Beverages were responsible for the overall delivery of water and logistics at the BDO Peninsula Marathon. Celtic Harriers and BDO had no responsibility or involvement in this. Top Events and Peninsula Beverages who were responsible for delivering the water and Coca Cola on the route acknowledge that there was a shortage of water at a number of refreshment stations. We unreservedly apologize to the runners for this.

The various persons concerned regarding deliveries on the day have had a joint meeting post event in an attempt to ascertain what went wrong and to rectify this for future events. Adequate water was ordered pre-race, namely 100 000 sachets, that is, 3.3 sachets per runner per refreshment station. Despite this a number of stations still experienced water shortages.

We assure you that for future Peninsula Marathons, additional checks and balances will be implemented to ensure that this does not happen again. – Kevin Lodge for and on behalf of Top Events and Peninsula Beverages.

Team Garwood
Thank you for the excellent article that you wrote about us. The response that we have received has been wonderful, from those who have been able to contact us. I am sure that there are many more who would like to make contact with us.

They can contact me on the following email address: [email protected]. We also have a Facebook page, where we provide information on the events that we are taking part in. The following link will take you to our page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Garwood/187524370943.

Thank You Mrs L
I’ve a running buddy I’d like to salute.
Her running is extremely good.
Sub two and a half,
In comparison my time’s a laugh
But she chooses to stick by my side
Faithfully being my guide.

Don’t know if it’s the VO2 Max
But of patience she has stacks.
Gun Run, Freedom Run, whatever run,
Together we have loads of fun.
Red Hill, Black Mamba, PPC…
Her encouragement means the world to me.

I couldn’t have asked for a better motivator
She’s a real ‘In-Touch-Anator’.
A blessing absolutely,
To this I swear resolutely.
Accept my big ‘Thank you,’
For everything you do!

Running Buddies
My very first road race was in 1987. I still remember it as if it was yesterday. What would running be without running buddies? I have made a few of them over the years! They are the ones who get you out of bed at 4am on a Saturday morning in the middle of winter to go for a 20km training run. They are the ones you spend hundreds of hours and thousands of kilometres with on the road during the year.

A running buddy sticks with you for 100km over three days during your Easter training run. They are the ones who sms you before a big race wishing you good luck. When you stand in line at a porta-loo and there’s no more toilet paper, strangers start sharing their toilet paper; now that’s what real buddies would do. When you run and fall, there’ll be a dozen hands to pick you up, that’s what buddies do.

When running Comrades, everyone is equal. There’s no distinction between rich, poor or whatever colour. We are all running buddies. So next time someone gives you some words of encouragement or passes on a water sachet say, “Thank you Buddy,” because at the end of the day we are all running buddies. – Running Buddie – Via e-mail