Running into the Sun You Take Care of Your Body by Running

Healthy Eating on a Budget

With the price of food rising, sticking to a healthy diet while trying to keep to a budget can be challenging. Don’t fear, with a little planning and some useful tips from our Modern Athlete expert, Christine Peters, buying and preparing delicious healthy food on a budget is not as hard as it may seem!

If you have ever thought that eating healthy is a more expensive option, then you’re not alone. It seems the retailers feel they need to punish us for wanting to be healthier and they know we will pay more for a product that we believe we can benefit from. Well, this doesn’t always have to be the case. Some helpful tips include shopping for fresh foods where possible and avoiding processed or convenience packaged options. These changes to the original format of the fresh product often add huge costs. Also try to buy bulk at produce markets – most of the time you are buying direct from the ‘farmer’ so you are not paying the additional costs related to big retail outlets. This will help lower your grocery bill and still give you a trolley full of healthy foods. Check out the price differences when you look at the price per kilogram of these examples:

Potatoes (a serving of potato is one medium potato or 150g)
Potatoes per 150g 0.60c
Frozen chips per 150g R2.88
Crisps per 150g R7.69

Breakfast products (A serving of cereal is 1/2 a cup of muesli, one cup of breakfast flakes or 1/3 cup rolled oats or roughly 40g)
Rolled oats per 40g 0.80c
Cornflakes per 40g R1.64
Breakfast bar per 40g R4.50

Apple per 100g  R1
Packet of sultanas per 40g R2
Fruit bar per 50g R4
Energy bar per 50g R8–12
*Note that you can buy twice the amount of apples for the same or less money as other snacks.


Prepare at home before you hit the shops:
 Make a shopping list – this will stop you from impulse buying.
  Cook more than you need and freeze it or use it the next day.
 Look for food bargains in newspapers and flyers.
  Keep a list of prices for foods you usually buy and check it against advertised specials. The price in the flyer may not really be a sale price.

Shop with a friend. Share the taxi/petrol fare and some of the larger grocery items.
  Try to buy from the source. This often means a fun day out too.

At the store:
 Take advantage of discount days offered by some grocery stores.
  Compare prices between brands. Store house brands are often cheaper but the same quality.
 Check the ‘unit price’. Bigger sizes are not always the best buy.
  Buy the size that is the most economical and convenient for you. Smaller portions are available for a variety of foods and may be worth the extra cost if you can avoid throwing any away.
 If the larger size is less expensive but more than you can use, share the extra with a friend or freeze it.
  The grade or quality of a product is determined by looks, not by nutritional value. If appearance doesn’t matter to you, save money by buying lower grade products.
 Read labels. Check the ingredients, listed in descending order by quantity, with the main ingredient listed first. Choose foods that are lower in salt, sugar and saturated/trans fat.
 Check the ‘best before’ date to make sure the food won’t spoil.
  Buy all the basic foods such as breads, dairy, fruit, vegetables, cereals and meats first before considering snack foods or treats.

Specific food items

Vegetables and fruit
  Buy fresh fruit and vegetables in season.
  Try frozen or canned vegetables as these may be cheaper and will keep for longer.
 Look for generic or ‘no name’ brand canned fruits and vegetables, which are just as nutritious as branded varieties and are often less expensive.
 Buy frozen vegetables without added sauces and seasonings. Compare the different styles; for example, broccoli spears cost more than chopped broccoli.

Inexpensive buys include cabbage, lettuce heads, carrots, potatoes, turnips, onions, oranges, bananas, apples, pears, fresh produce in season, canned or frozen fruits and vegetables such as frozen berries and canned tomatoes. Others include dried fruit (raisins, dates, apricots), sodium-reduced canned soup (mushroom, vegetable, tomato) and canned or bottled pasta sauces.

Grain products
  To maintain freshness, keep bread in the freezer.
  Stock up when pasta is on sale; it can be stored for several years if left unopened in a dark place.
 Buy plain ready-to-eat cereals rather than the more expensive pre-sweetened varieties.

Inexpensive buys include crackers, Melba toast, breadsticks, parboiled or brown rice; macaroni, spaghetti, noodles, dried lentils, split peas, chickpeas, plain ready-to-eat cereals such as oats, frozen whole grain bread, rolls and pitas.

Milk and alternatives
  Buy plain yoghurt and add your own fresh or frozen fruit.
 Mix skim milk powder with water according to package directions. You can drink it or add it to soups, gravies, casseroles, sauces, puddings, baked goods or scrambled eggs.
 Buy block cheese and grate it yourself.

Inexpensive buys include skim milk powder, mozzarella cheese and plain yoghurt.

Meat and alternatives
  Buy only as much meat as you need. Two or three servings of meat, fish, poultry or meat alternatives per day is sufficient. A serving is 75g of cooked meat, chicken or fish, or the size of a deck of cards.
 Buy canned light tuna and pink salmon, which cost less than other varieties.
  If you have freezer space, buy larger packages when meat is on sale. Divide the meat into individual servings, rewrap, date packages and freeze.
 Arrange to share a larger package with a friend.
  Ask your grocer to break open packages of wrapped meats and divide them into smaller quantities.
 Use less meat in casseroles, soup, stir-fries and spaghetti sauce and add more vegetables, pasta, rice or beans instead.
 Have one or two meatless meals a week. Try scrambled or hard-boiled eggs, omelets, baked beans, lentils, tofu, or peanut butter sandwiches.

Inexpensive buys include less tender meat such as blade, chuck, flank, round, stewing meat, mince meat (add lentils to extend), chicken/turkey with skin (remove skin before cooking), eggs, nuts, dried or canned beans, lentils, peas, pork fillet/chops, canned fish.

Other foods
 Limit purchase of high-energy, low-nutrient foods such as soft drinks, chocolate, chips and other snack foods.
  Use leftover foods for soups, casseroles, smoothies, gravies, and sandwich or omelet fillings!

Well Worth Having

The Road to Comrades 2011

Hard to believe the time has come again… The road to Comrades 2011 has started. Entries for The Ultimate Human Race are open and Modern Athlete has put together a mini-guide to set you on your way to one of the best races in the world!

Looking Back
Who can forget the 2010 Comrades Marathon, the 85th celebration of the world’s biggest ultra marathon? This special Comrades amassed the second largest field in the history of the race, only surpassed by the millennium race in 2000. The race also set net records for international (5%), women (24%) and novice entries (29%), and organisers expect the Comrades to be officially recognised as the world’s biggest ultra marathon by the Guinness Book of Records!

The 2011 Campaign
2011 is an up run from Durban to Pietermaritzburg on Sunday, 29 May. The distance? Approximately 89km. The 2011 Comrades campaign features the slogan ‘Burned into your Sole’, trying to bring across the message of: Your day of endurance under the African skies will be remembered forever. It will be burned into your sole.

The CMA furthermore aims to make the Comrades Marathon a global brand going forward. The message is clear: If you are a runner anywhere in the world and you have not yet done Comrades, then you are not allowed to stop running.

Entries for 2011 opened on 1 September; all athletes, novices and former Comrades athletes enter at the same time. Remember entries close on 30 November or once the 18 000 cap has been reached. No extensions will be allowed! So if you are serious about running Comrades you’d better get your entry in.

Entries are being taken online at, Mr Price stores and manually. This year’s online entries will involve something new. When you click the entry icon on the Comrades website, you will be linked to the Mr Price entry portal. Ensure you have a valid email address and either a Visa or Master Credit Card. Create a secure login and register as a Mr Price Sport member. You will then be able to enter the 2011 Comrades Marathon.

If you choose to drop off your entry, do so at a till point at any Mr Price store countrywide during trading hours by the closing date. You can also hand deliver your entry to CMA House in Pietermaritzburg by 18:00 on the closing date, or post your entry to Comrades Marathon, PO Box 843, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. Please note: there are no refunds on entries so if you commit to the event and secure an entry, do your best to utilise the opportunity.

The qualifying period for 2011 will be as follows:
 30 May 2010 – 6 May 2011.
Runners who finished the 2010 Comrades Marathon can use their finishing time for 2011.
While all entries will have to meet the entry criteria, runners will still be allowed to qualify in official qualifying races up until 6 May 2011 as the final
cut-off date.
Upon qualification, simply submit your time and details of the qualifying race to the CMA office before close of business on 6 May 2011.
You will have to submit your club name and current license number to CMA by 6 May 2011.
In 2011 the CMA will send all qualifying times and details to each athlete’s club for verification purposes. This has been necessitated due to the fact that some athletes submit false information and qualifying times.

Bonitas, Flora and Nedbank will be on board again, but the CMA has secured an exciting new fourth major sponsor for 2011. “The CMA is delighted to announce that the Tourism, Hospitality & Sport Education & Training Authority (THETA), one of 23 Sector Education & Training Authorities in South Africa and the one responsible for Sport, has joined the Comrades family of sponsors and partners as a major sponsor for the next
four years, from 2011 to 2014,” says Gary Boshoff, CMA
General Manager.

The CMA will be visiting areas in and around the country.
You can look forward to an informative and inspiring talk, with expert advice, lucky draw prizes and interaction with your
local running heroes.

Date and Time Province Town Club and address
6 October  19:00 North West Rustenburg Rustenburg MC, Bergsig High School,
Boven Street
7 October  19:00 Central North West Klerksdorp Klerksdorp MC Clubhouse, Klerksdorp Recreation Centre, Goue Street
9 October  09:00 KwaZulu-Natal Durban Nedbank Head Office, 90 Ordnance Road
12 October  19:00 KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg Saints Athletic Club, Coach House,
St Charles College, Harwin Road
13 October  19:00 KwaZulu-Natal Margate South Coast Striders Clubhouse,
Lot 194, Edward Street, Uvongo
19 October  19:00 Free State Bloemfontein Bloemfontein Achilles Sports Centre,
Cnr At Horak and Parfitt
20 October  18:00 Limpopo Polokwane Polokwane Athletic Club Clubhouse,
Peter Mokaba Stadium, Dorp Street
26 October  19:00 South West Districts Mossel Bay Hatenbos Drawwers Running Club
Hartenbos Bowls Clubhouse Damaraland Street, Hartenbos



Have Your Say

The Life of a Top Duathlete

Top South African duathlete Bryce Viegas is tearing up the local duathlon scene. He has just taken part in the very competitive Afriman Duathlon and will soon be off to Malaysia to take part in Powerman Malaysia. Bryce gave Modern Athlete an inside look into the life of a top duathlete, what it takes to race at an elite level and the lessons he has learnt on his way to the top – BY MICHELLE PIETERS

Success comes down to training harder, better and longer than your competitors and once you have crossed the finish line in first position, it becomes an addiction, an amazing feeling that you have achieved something you have wanted and worked on for so long. It is feelings like these that have helped Bryce Viegas reach top honours in various duathlons locally and internationally. In 2009 he had his best year yet, not only winning Afriman (10km run, 77km cycle and 5km run) but also placing second at the highly-competitive Powerman Malaysia. Now Bryce is setting his sights on a victory at his second Powerman Malaysia on 14 November.

Sporting Genes
Bryce’s father, Tony, has run 16 Comrades Marathons and his aunt is a former Ironman winner. Therefore it was inevitable that a young Bryce would take up some kind of sport. In primary school and later in high school, he tried everything from soccer to hockey to cross-country running. He clearly had running talent as he was selected to compete at the SA Cross-Country Champs at the age of 12. But Bryce never really pushed himself as a youngster, something he believes has probably helped him achieve longevity in duathlon. “I did whatever came along but I must admit I was a bit lazy. I was not willing to put my heart into anything.”

His love for duathlon started while visiting his Ironman aunt, Pauline Cound. “We used to second her on races and visit her at home. I remember how I stared at her bikes!” In Grade 11 he got his very first bike. “Owning a bike was the best feeling ever. All I did was ride my bike after school. My mom’s prayer life certainly increased with me out on the roads every day,” chuckles 27-year-old Bryce, who today lives and trains in the West Rand.

At the age of 17 Bryce placed second in his first duathlon and in Grade 12 he won the Gauteng Duathlon Champs and the SA Duathlon Champs in his age category before being selected for the World Junior Duathlon Champs in Italy in 2001, which he won! “It was my first time overseas and everything was new. I remember the rain and cold but I had a great race and I won! It felt surreal.”

Making Waves
Since then Bryce has competed successfully in several local and international races, placing fifth overall in the popular Teavigo Duathlon Series. He realised that the harder you work, the better the results. “And the more you achieve, the harder you want to train. It is a snowball effect.”

In 2009 he had a major local breakthrough when he won the highly-acclaimed Afriman Duathlon. “It was an unbelievable feeling. My parents, my friends and my coach were there. It was an emotional relief more than anything else; I proved to myself that I could win and that hard training does pay off. That was probably one of the most memorable moments of my sporting career.”

Bryce started coaching while participating locally and internationally, representing South Africa at the World Champs in Belgium in 2003. He competed in his first Powerman in 2008 and realised his talent was in longer duathlons. “I knew that was the start of my career in the Powerman series. I would love to be ranked in the top three of the Powerman series.”

Lessons Learnt
Over the years Bryce has learnt that, as in life, nothing comes easy in sport. Shortly after he won the World Junior Duathlon Champs he thought he had it made, sat back and relaxed. This led to him finishing stone last in a race, which demotivated him to such an extent that he stopped participating in any sport for two years! “Then I had a hard look at my life, my sport and my dreams. I slowly picked myself up and started working really hard.”

He has also learnt that one cannot achieve top honours without a coach. “I tried to coach myself and relied on the help of friends for too long. If you want to reach the top you need to train with other like-minded athletes under the watchful eye of a coach,” says Bryce, who today trains with world-class athlete Juan van Deventer.

“Only when I got a coach, I realised how hard one needs to work to get to the top. Some days I train three times a day. And yes, I do sometimes question why I am doing what I do!”

Family is one of the most important aspects in any athlete’s journey to the top. “My family has supported me through everything. They are amazing! My dad is so passionate and supports me at every race. I see him as my best friend. My mom’s strong faith has helped me through many obstacles in life and my sister, Megan, is my number one supporter! You cannot succeed without the support and love of your family.”

Believe in Yourself
Bryce has had many disappointments ranging from injuries to difficulty in securing sporting sponsors, but he believes with hard work anything is possible. “When I get despondent I remind myself of what Sebastian Coe wrote. He said you have to always think of your competitors and what they are doing. And then you have to train harder, longer and smarter than anyone else.”

He runs twice a day six times a week at a pace of around 3:30min/km, mixing his training between lactate runs, track work and longer runs. “You have to train fast to race fast.” Then he does a couple of cycling sessions a week culminating in a long ride of between 120-150km on the weekend. “As a multisport athlete one is always struggling to find the right balance.”

Bryce has realised that if he wants to make millions, he has chosen the wrong sport! “You have to have a passion and a dream. And you have to be willing to give up many things and let nothing get in your way.” For now he has his heart set on Powerman Malaysia and in future, he still has Ironman and Comrades to tick off on his to-do list.

And when things get tough he holds onto these words: “Pain is a purifier. You must work towards it; embrace it because one day it will make you a champion.”

He does have a softer side. Something very few people know about him is that he loves baking! “No one knows it but I love to bake cakes, brownies and scones,” he chuckles.

Not bad, a man that can run, bike and bake!


Chasing Gold

My Comrades with Bruce

This great story was sent to Modern Athlete by Raymond Fuller, editor of the acsis Varsity Old Boys (VOB) club magazine, Imabaleki. He wrote that they had a lovely article submitted by Emily Cooper, the 13-year-old daughter of one of their members, Nicky Horenz, and they decided to publish it virtually unedited – they even left in the ‘smiley faces’. Emily was in charge of the club’s mascot at Comrades while her mom was running. From the sounds of things, the club actually had two mascots at this year’s race! Here is Emily’s story in her own words, republished here with her permission – virtually unedited and complete with ‘smiley faces’.

Running is a big part of my life. I love to run, even if I am not very good at it. Every year for the past three years I have asked for a ticket to go watch my mom run Comrades as my birthday present. I was unsuccessful the first time, but for the second two my mom gave in. 🙂

I was so excited to go to Comrades this year because it is one of my favourite times of the year, and she hadn’t done it last year. About a week before we were set to fly to Durban, my mom arrived home with a bear dressed in running kit. I was introduced to Bruce and was told that Coach Ray had asked me to take care of him at Comrades. My Comrades trip just got even more exciting.

After a whole lot of studying, it was finally time to leave for Comrades. I missed school that Friday and was going to miss the next Monday and Tuesday. I don’t think I’ll ever forget lying in the sun at our hotel and thinking, ‘My friends are doing exams right now’. 🙂

The flight felt much longer than what it really was, but eventually we landed in Durban. Even as you step out of the aeroplane you can feel the buzz. Everyone is thinking about Comrades and the weekend coming up was only about the runners. After sitting in traffic for about half an hour, to cover about half a kilometre, we finally got to the Expo. Along with the finish, the Expo is one of my favourite parts and I’m sure a lot of runners would agree with me.

The Expo is just magical. Everyone is so excited about what is going to happen in just two days’ time. Nerves are being thrown about and the excitement is growing. After buying a few things, and my sister’s very own bear, we met the gang at the bar where my grandfather was excited to find a beer called the Whistling Weasel. Even Bruce had a beer. 🙂 The next day we had to put up the VOB tent at the finish. Everyone on the club’s Comrades Committee helped to put it up, which was where I first met Bev and Dave and Thomas.

It didn’t take long to put up and we all posed for photos in front of the finish and worked out which cameras would be pointing at my mom as she ran down the finishing straight with Bruce. Even then you could feel the vibe. The atmosphere was incredible, to say the least.

The alarms sounded at 2am for my mom and Di to get up, but Bruce and I stayed in bed until 5:30am – because the best supporters need their sleep! 🙂

Bruce’s number was on and ready to go. Our first stop was at 33km into the race, where Bev had to stop running. We saw most of the runners that we needed to and a lot of VOB runners, who Bruce waved to. Bruce was very popular among the runners and spectators alike, and became even more popular as the day went on. I remember a runner from Australia took a photo of Bruce cheering the runners on. We helped Bev to the car, all feeling a little down, but assuring her that it can happen to the best, even though it doesn’t make anyone feel better.

Our next stop was at 60km: ‘The Big Downhill’ at Fields Hill. We saw many runners grimace while going down that very steep hill. That was my favourite stop, because there was music playing and the vibe was once again incredible. All our amazing runners went past, all smiling and looking strong, but I think the Biggest Smile Award definitely has to go to Linda Coetzee who runs for Pinelands and was doing her first Comrades. That was the last stop that we could go to because we needed to get to the finish.

As I said, the finish is one of my favourite parts. Everything about it is incredible. The looks on the faces of those runners are indescribable and priceless. Bruce cheered all the runners that crossed that line, but he was slightly biased towards the VOB runners, including our silver medallists, Alan Matthews, Duncan Gilmour and Joanna Thomas. 🙂

After a while of waiting and cheering and climbing up poles to get a better view, we saw the runners who were in front of mom come in. Smiles everywhere. I think it’s impossible not to smile when finishing something this amazing. And mostly everyone stayed to see the rest of the runners in.

Then the blonde hair. I saw it running towards me and I knew that my mom had just entered the stadium. She ran past and grabbed Bruce. I climbed off my pole and ran to the VOB tent and waited for my mom. Everyone was there, smiling and grimacing, smiling and grimacing. Congratulations were given to all the runners, and the feeling of utmost happiness was indescribable.

My mom ‘waddled’ over to the VOB tent and sat down. She got a finishing time of 9:50:13, which to me is amazing. Cellphones were going crazy, as a lot of my family had seen my mom and Bruce cross the line on TV. Bruce was handed back to me, all wet and smelly. Oh well, it’s a runner smell, a smell I have grown up with. 🙂

The day was, for most, an incredible success, but all good things have to come to an end, and so this one did. That was the end of Bruce and my Comrades 2010 experience, but what’s the bet we will be back next year?

All you runners who even got to the start of this run, you are all my role models, and you are incredible, if slightly mad. 🙂 Bruce and I had an amazing experience and I’m so grateful to have been given the opportunity. Thank you!

Surf’s Up!

SA’s Blonde Blitz

She is the SA 10km and 21.1km champion. She has won nearly every road race she has run in the last year, and it is very likely that within the next couple of days Irvette van Blerk will be crowned the new queen of the Women’s SPAR Grand Prix Series before she leaves for the World Half Marathon Champs. Irvette has blitzed onto the scene in the last year, after having dealt with a series of injuries and personal setbacks. – BY MICHELLE PIETERS

Running has always been a part of her life; you could say that Irvette van Blerk is a perfect example of someone who lives and breathes running! Even as a little girl she watched her godmother and former Comrades winner, Francis van Blerk, kick dust in the eyes of her competitors. After most races Francis hung her medals around young Irvette’s neck who then hurried home where she displayed yet another medal or trophy from her beloved aunt. She never missed a race Francis ran. She was always there, watching and yearning for the day when she would have her very own medals.

Today Irvette no longer has to adorn her room with someone else’s medals. She has enough of her own. Not only did she recently win the SA 10km Champs, she followed it with a win at the SA Half Marathon Championships where she crossed the line in a PB of 71:09. Most recently she won the Southern Region Half Marathon Championships in Malawi and the City-to-City 10km in a time of 34:30. She is the favourite in the last leg of the Women’s SPAR Grand Prix on 10 October in Randburg where she has an excellent chance of taking the series. Then, on 16 October she will represent South Africa at the World Half Marathon Champs in China.

Champion in the Making
At the age of nine, Irvette was ready to do some of her own running. “I wanted my own trophies and medals and started to run cross-country.” She ran 4km daily; 2km in the morning followed by another 2km in the evening, of course all done under the watchful eye of her mom who followed her in the car. Irvette was dedicated; even when she had extra maths lessons, she asked her mom to drop her 2km from home so she could run back and make sure she did not miss a run!

At the age of 13 she started training with a coach. In many races she would only finish ninth but at the age of 14, she won her first SA Cross-Country Championship. “That’s when I realised I might have some running talent!” As a junior she represented South Africa at the World Cross-Country Champs and also made name for herself locally when she won the Johannesburg leg of the SPAR ladies’ race.

A Bad Accident threatens Irvette’s Career
At the end of Grade 11 Irvette was involved in a scooter accident and could barely walk for two months. “Doctors said I would probably never run again. It took me long to recover but I did!” Irvette was back at the World Cross-Country Champs three months later, finishing in 26th position.

This helped her regain running confidence and she slowly made a comeback. As with many university students, Irvette started partying more than she ran while studying at the University of Johannesburg. Two years later she realised varsity life was not for her, and at the same time, experienced a renewed passion for running. She starting working with a new coach, Gerrie Coetzee, under whose watchful eye she still trains today.

Injuries and Setbacks
Irvette is only 23 years old but has had to deal with injuries and personal setbacks. “At first I battled with recurring injuries. Luckily I managed to sort it out when I took a total break from running and found a good physio.” Then personal tragedy struck. Her stepdad passed away in a motorcycle accident last year, shortly before she was to run her first 42.2km at the Soweto Marathon. At his funeral Irvette made a silent promise to him that she would run the Olympic Marathon in 2012. “He was like my real dad. For a couple of weeks after his death I did not feel like running.”

Time Heals All Wounds
Then last year, at the 32km Tough One in Randburg, Irvette decided that was the day she would start training properly again. “What a race I chose! I was so unfit and at the 18km mark I started walking!” It might have been a tough race and a traumatic time in her personal life, but it made Irvette realise that one should never put anything off. “I learned that today is what counts. I also learned that if you have a good race, you should be grateful because you never know if you will be able to do it again!”

An Incredible Comeback
Irvette started 2010 off with a bang. She won the Dis-Chem Half Marathon in Bedfordview and followed it up with numerous victories at races countrywide. “Since December I have renewed motivation. I realise how important mental strength is. In the past I would lose races before I even started, just because my mind was not right.”

A couple of months after the Dis-Chem race, Irvette shone again when she ran her first Two Oceans Half Marathon, finishing second in a PB of 72:55. Irvette and winner Ren? Kalmer both broke the previous course record!

Spar Ladies
She loves competing in the Women’s SPAR Grand Prix Series. “At most races men get all the attention because they are way up in front. Also, they are always running along us in our space, which is not always nice. In this race the focus is on us!”

Irvette recently won the Pretoria leg of the series. “It was one of those days where I just felt so good!” It was not without a bit of a drama though. She was late because of traffic and then she had to try and make her way through thousands of women already lined up. When she eventually got to the front she felt a bit nervous seeing the country’s cream of the crop lined up.

Initially Irvette planned to run in the pack up to the 7km mark, but before she knew it she was leading! “We went through the 5km mark in 17:05. I thought it was too fast, but decided now I just have to run, chase the leading car and see what happens! When I turned to look who was behind me at the 9km mark, I realised that I would win! I entered the stadium with a big smile because I knew I could relax a little and enjoy the winning moment.”

Only hours later Irvette and her clubmate and friend, Ren? Kalmer, were on a plane to KwaZulu-Natal to compete in the KZN leg of the same series. They only got to bed at about 11pm and were understandably tired at the lineup the next morning. Ren?, who later realised she had glandular fever, started fast and Irvette thought it was going to be a tough race! At the 3km mark Ren? fell off the pace and once again Irvette found herself in the lead. “I was tired! But just kept running and managed to win.”

Currently Irvette is leading the Grand Prix series and a win or even a second place at the last leg in Johannesburg could, depending on finishing times, see her being crowned as the new queen of Spar.

Irvette trains six days a week starting every morning with a run of between 7-16km. Three times a week in the afternoon is quality time on the track or a fartlek session. A typical track session varies between 5-12 repetitions of 800m, 20 repetitions of 400m or 30 repetitions of 200m. “We only get to rest 15 seconds in between. There are times I feel our training is harder than our racing,” says Irvette, who runs an average of 150km a week.

She prefers the half marathon distance and definitely prefers road running to track, which she finds boring. Just like many runners she sometimes finds running hard and needs to motivate herself. “When I start battling and I see there is 3km to go, I try to motivate myself by thinking in terms of minutes and not distance. I tell myself I have 12 minutes tops left!”

She realises some are concerned that she is racing too often. “The truth is when I go and run a road race, I am not always racing! I am only using it as my long run. It is easier than running alone! Sometimes I end up winning, which is a bonus.”

Personal Bests
She holds a 33:12 PB over 10km and a 71:09 half marathon PB. She still holds the 15km SA record (51:06), which she ran at the tender age of 15. “I have realised I should not put pressure when it comes to times. It is better to just run! It is great to run a PB, but one should not expect it every time. I would love to run a sub-33min 10km, but I am not going to put too much pressure. It will happen.”

Looking Ahead
Irvette would like to eventually move up to the marathon distance, but for now she is working on improving her speed. “My big goal is to run the marathon at the 2012 Olympics. It is going to be hard work, but what a goal!”

Irvette is very happy at the Nedbank running club. “It is a fantastic club and Nick (Bester) is an excellent manager. Everything is always so well-organised and everything gets done for us!” When she doesn’t run, she loves to eat pizza, spend time with her girlfriends and of course her boyfriend, champion hurdler, LJ Van Zyl. She feels finally this is her time! But she is taking nothing for granted and compares running to life. “Enjoy every moment, because it can be taken from you any minute.”

Hottest Coach in the Country!

Chasing Gold

He has two Paralympic gold medals and two world records to his name in the 100m and 200m in the T37 class for athletes with cerebral palsy, but Fanie van der Merwe just wants to get better, and that’s why the 24-year-old is working to improve the one aspect of his sprinting that he feels still lets
him down. – BY SEAN FALCONER

What is the short-term goal you’ve set yourself to improve your performance?
My reaction times to the gun are not that good. The one Chinese guy has an amazing start, and he’s usually two metres ahead of everyone straight from the start, so we have to chase him down.
I’m a good finisher, but I still need to work on my explosive power during this winter off-season.

So you must be doing a lot of hard training at the moment.
Yes, but I’m privileged to be able to train in Stellenbosch, which is a real hub of disabled athletics. I’m part of a squad trained by Suzanne Ferreira that includes Arnu Fourie, Hilton Langenhoven, Ilse Carstens and
Jonathan Ntutu. We’re all international athletes and always train together, often for the same competitions, so it helps keep us all motivated and focused.

The stories behind your world records sound a bit complicated…
At the Beijing 2008 Paralympics, I won gold in the 100 with a PB time of 11.83, when the world record was 11.79. Then at the Nedbank National Championships for the Physically Disabled in Port Elizabeth earlier this year I ran 11.71 for a new world record, but for a long time I had been listed as running 11.66. I actually ran 11.86 in 2008, but it was written down incorrectly and somehow never corrected.

In the 200, my 23.84 in Beijing was a new world record, and then I beat it with a time of 23.19 at the second Fazza International Athletics Competition in Dubai in early 2010, but I wasn’t officially registered with the International Paralympic Committee at the time, so they don’t recognise that time as the world record, even though they recognise it as my PB! A few months after that I broke the record again, at the Champs in PE, but it was ruled wind-assisted and therefore the 23.84 still stood as the record. Luckily I ran 23.72 in the Netherlands and then 23.3 in Spain during a recent overseas tour with other South African Paralympic athletes, so now I have officially beaten the 23.84. It’s always good to break a record, but obviously it’s a bit weird because it’s not my personal best.

So the tour went well?
Yes, most of it. I won the 100 and 200 at the Paralympic World Cup in Manchester, although my times weren’t great. Then we took part in the Dutch Nationals and I won both my races again. It was raining when we ran the 100, but the conditions were perfect for the 200 and I ran the record 23.72. From there we went to Barcelona for the Spanish National Champs, but my 100 was a disaster. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Canadian next to me false start and expected them to call us back, but it didn’t come and I got left in my blocks. All the other guys went with him, even though most of them said afterwards they also thought it was a false start. That just amped me up even more for the 200m, and I ran 23.3 to break the world record again! After that we went to Germany for two competitions, including the German National Champs, where
I ran good times in the 100.

What about long-term goals?
I’m building up to the World Champs in New Zealand in January 2011 and the next Paralympics in London in August 2012. My goal is to go to London and win more golds, and I want to set more world record times. I would like to run 11.65 for the 100, break 23.19 in the 200, and go under 53:00 in the 400. The 200 will always be my focus, because it’s my strongest event, and I would rather perform well in the 100 than the 400, but I still want to add the 400 as my third event. It would be a real blessing to go to London, run three events and bring back three golds, but the 100 and the 400 are far apart – it’s rare that you get an athlete doing both. I won’t slack on my 100 speedwork to concentrate on the 400.

Fanie van der Merwe is a true modern athlete and an inspiration to all of us. Keep winning golds and breaking records Fanie, Modern Athlete and the whole South African running community is behind you all the way to the finish line.


Have Your Say

Cross Country Cross Over

Cross-country has often been regarded as the stepsister of track and road running. Then one man decided to take the lead and create new structures, allowing mass participation especially amongst school kids in this often disregarded sporting discipline. His efforts have paid off and today, cross-country in Gauteng North is blooming to such an extent that other provinces could take home some valuable lessons on how things should be done within cross-country structures. – BY MICHELLE PIETERS

If you had pitched up at any weekend cross-country event in Gauteng North less than two years ago, you would be lucky to find 600 athletes lining up at the start. How things have changed! Just a couple of weeks ago more than 2 800 athletes of all ages and abilities took on various organised cross-country events in and around the Jacaranda City. All this would not have been possible if it wasn’t for one man’s passion and drive to bring various role players together in order to put cross-country back in its rightful place. Andre Gobey, Chairman of the Cross-Country Committee: Athletics Gauteng North, believes our country has the ability to produce some world class cross-country athletes if we manage to better our current cross-country structures.

For many years various athletics structures, departments and schools all organised their own cross-country meetings in Gauteng North. This led to a small number of athletes arriving at the meetings, and often the dates of the various meetings clashed. “In the past we had primary schools organising their own meetings, high schools doing their own thing as well as the Department of Education and private schools all organising their own races. All of us were always fighting for the same sponsors, the same venues, administrators and even athletes,” says Andre, who has been running since the age of ten and who has been involved in the administration of athletics since 2004.

Andre started discussions with all the various role players and before long they were all around a table talking about ways to better the organisation of the meetings, and most importantly, to benefit the athletes and the sport of cross-country in general. “We started with a mass participation project amongst school children. The Pretoria City Council helped to drive this side of the project; they were very passionate about getting kids from less-privileged communities involved in cross-country, especially because some of these kids don’t have any facilities to train at school.” This meant Athletics Gauteng North organised cross-country meetings for school children and the City Council helped transport hundreds of kids to the meetings. “We tried to expose the kids to cross-country and make them love the sport, which I believe is a building block to success in other sporting disciplines,” says Andre.

Today many of these meetings are held during the week, which means more school kids are introduced to cross-country and get to participate as they are transported during school hours to the various races. In the past the meetings were mainly held on Saturdays, which meant many kids didn’t pitch up as parents were often busy and didn’t have time to get their kids to the different venues, or didn’t have the means or financial ability to get their kids to the meetings. Since the weekly cross-country races were introduced, as many as 2 800 competitors have been participating in various cross-country meetings held over one week.

Andre believes that introducing cross-country to kids is like introducing them to playing. “We try to make kids love running through cross-country; it is the basis of all sporting disciplines. Once you love cross-country running, you will probably keep on running for the rest of your life.”

Another major bonus that came from the new structures was the discovery of amazing talent. In the last three years more than 80 kids who started through mass participation have made the Gauteng North and SA cross-country teams. “One of them was even awarded national colours,” says Andre.

The current system in Gauteng North has worked wonders, but Andre believes there is still some work to be done in order to produce world-class cross-country athletes. Firstly, the timing of the cross-country season might have to change. Cross-country is run in the winter, which is not the most attractive season and the courses are usually extremely dusty and dry. Also, cross-country events countrywide are sometimes not well attended because many road runners, especially veterans and masters, train for Comrades when the cross-country season starts. “If we can change the dates so that our cross-country season starts in September, Comrades will be done and dusted and more road runners might get involved in cross-country. It will make them stronger and help them to build a good base from September to January before they start to train again for longer distances.”

Another issue to consider regarding date changes is the Cross-Country World Champs which is held annually in March, a time when most international cross-country athletes peak. “In South Africa it is the other way around. Our cross-country season is held in winter and we peak at the South African Champs in September. Ideally our cross-country season should start around September and culminate at the SA Champs in January.”

Despite this, South African athletes have still achieved remarkably at the World Champs, says Andre. This year the SA Junior Team finished seventh in the world, the senior team 12th and the senior and junior ladies were amongst the top ten. “I know the potential is there. It is my dream to see our athletes finish on the podium at the World Champs. I believe they have what it takes. We just need to allow all the different athletics structures their place in the sun.”

The South African Cross-Country Championships will be held on 11 September at the Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria. For more info contact the ASA Office at 011 880 5800.


From Russia With Love

Mind Your Head

The doctors said that his running fitness probably saved his life by preventing a blocked artery and blood clot from causing a massive stroke – and that he was lucky to survive his first ultra marathon, all because Marius Oosthuizen bumped his head on a roof beam while installing a satellite dish! – BY SEAN FALCONER

It was just another workday for Marius Oosthuizen, a technical consultant from Somerset West with his own business installing home and business audio equipment. 18 March 2002: 12 days before the then 39 year old was due to run his first Two Oceans ultra marathon, he was up in a client’s roof, installing cabling,
but then everything changed. “I was walking forwards, bent over and pulling a cable, when I walked into a low beam. I hit the right side of my head hard, which caused my head to whiplash backwards and I saw stars, but my head cleared again after a few minutes and I continued working,” Marius says, describing the incident.

It may sound harmless enough, perhaps even comical, yet there was nothing funny about what happened next. “That evening I got a really bad headache, but because I had suffered from regular migraines before, I didn’t think much of it. The doctors said that the migraines were diet-related, caused by a tyramine allergy brought on by eating dairy products, bread and also Marmite or Oxo, so I just thought it was the same problem and that it would go away after a few days, as it normally did.”

What Marius didn’t know was that the whiplash had caused a small tear in his right-hand internal carotid artery. The two carotid arteries run up each side of the neck to pump oxygenated blood from the heart to the head, and are a vital part of the circulatory system. The tear had caused a clot to form and block the artery, thus preventing blood from reaching the right side of his brain.

When the headache had not gone away after almost a week and his right eye had become slightly swollen, giving him double vision, Marius decided to phone his doctor, but could only get an appointment after the Easter weekend – and since he still thought it was just an allergy-induced migraine, he continued working. The next day he happened to be working at a radiologist friend’s house, Dr Peter Berndt, who took one look at Marius and told him that his drooping eye was a possible sign of a neurological problem and that he should have it checked out. Marius still thought it was nothing serious – and besides, he had a 56km race to run in a few days.

Saturday 30 March dawned – Two Oceans race day – and Marius and Susan’s 11th wedding anniversary. Despite his headache, Marius drove to Cape Town with his Strand clubmates to line up for the race. “I didn’t want to miss out on it, so I decided to just run the first few kilometres. When I got to my starting pen, I sat down on the pavement and prayed to God that I could just feel a bit better and be able to run a short distance. When the gun was fired a few minutes later, the headache was suddenly gone, and I just felt better the further I ran. I finished in 5:51:35 and loved every minute of it, despite some leg cramps near the end.”

That evening he went out for supper with his wife for a triple celebration of their anniversary, the imminent birth of their third child – Susan was eight months pregnant at the time – and his first Two Oceans medal. On the way to the restaurant, the headache came back, and it was still there later that week when Marius was due to continue working at Peter Berndt’s house. By now his right eye was swollen shut.

“I called Peter to say I did not feel well enough to work, and he told me to come in for a check-up. Then I was booked in for an MRI scan that Friday, 5 April. When I came out, I found four specialists studying my scans and shaking their heads! I was diagnosed with a dissecting carotid artery with thrombosis, and they said they could not understand how I had not suffered a stroke. When they heard I had just run a 56km ultra-marathon, they told me they couldn’t believe I was still alive!”

The doctors said it would be too dangerous to operate, because the clot could break up or be dislodged and reach the heart or brain, so they booked Marius into hospital to give him blood-thinning treatment to begin dissolving the clot. Susan says that even in that dark hour, there was a lighter side to things.
“We were filling in the paperwork and the hospital staff couldn’t believe it was Marius going in, not me, because he looked so fit and healthy, whereas I was so heavily pregnant! And the day after he went in, when I brought him some more things, everybody kept wishing me luck because they thought I was checking in!”

Marius soon responded to the treatment, and after four days of his scheduled five-day stay, he was ready to go home again. “I asked if I could go home because I already felt better and the 8th of April was Susan’s birthday. The doctors discharged me, but told me that I would have to be booked off all activity for six months. No work, no running, no anything. I was told to just lie still!”

On the 19th of April, Susan was back at the hospital, and this time she was the patient. After a difficult Caesarean birth, she was booked off to recover at home, and Marius says it was quite nice to be able to be there with her and the new baby, to help where he could without straining too much. Fortunately, he was recovering quickly and felt fine again.

Just over two months later, Marius’ eldest daughter celebrated her birthday and invited some friends over for a party. One of the fathers picking up an invited friend after the party was a physician, and the two fathers got talking about Marius’ condition. Marius showed him the MRI scans and the physician simply said, “I can’t believe that somebody who looked like this is still standing in front of me.”

The physician then explained to Marius what had probably saved him: fitness. “He told me that the two carotid arteries feed the two sides of the brain independently, but at the top of the brain there are thin veins which can feed a small amount of blood from side to side. In my case, no blood was coming up to the right side of the brain, but I had enough interconnections for the right side to still get enough blood to prevent permanent damage. He said that my high level of fitness contributed to this greatly, so my running literally saved me.”

For six months Marius had to go in for weekly blood tests so that the doctors could make sure all the clots had been dissolved and check there was no kidney damage, a possible side-effect of the treatment. Physically, Marius felt fine – he was more worried about his financial health. “I was working for myself, so being booked off for six months meant the family had no income. Fortunately I had insurance, and no debt, so we survived by tightening our belts.”

“I followed the doctors’ orders and sat at home doing nothing for six months, even though I felt fine, and then I eased myself back into work, going out to see clients but not doing physical work yet. I brought in a young apprentice and he is still with me eight years later, and luckily, many of my clients that I had referred to my opposition came back to me. Even today some of them still ask me if I’m okay.”

He also eased himself back into running, and that November he lined up for his first post-treatment race, the Winelands Half Marathon in Stellenbosch. Seven months later he had added another Two Oceans medal and his first Comrades medal to his collection. At the time of the injury he had only just done his first two marathons – today he has about 70 marathons and ultras under his belt, including nine Two Oceans and six Comrades. Next year he will be aiming for his Two Oceans Blue Number.


Ask an Expert

Living My Dream

Two of our lucky readers just had their lives changed by Modern Athlete and the great people at Run/Walk for Life (RWFL). Edwin Olivier of Kuilsriver in the Cape and Roxene La Grange of Johannesburg have been selected as the winners of our RWFL/Modern Athlete Win a RWFL Franchise competition.

When we launched a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and gave our readers the chance to turn their passion for running/walking into a profit by owning their very own business, we thought it was a great prize and would attract a lot of interest. We were inundated with quality entries and had a hard time deciding on the winners! Eventually the selection was narrowed down to two and needless to say, their dreams were made true!

Edwin Olivier of Kuilsriver got the surprise of his life when he was announced as one of the winners. When Edwin received a call from Western Cape RWFL Regional Co-ordinator Deon Lerm, asking him to come down to the Panorama branch for a final interview, he had no idea he was actually being brought in for a surprise announcement that he was one of the two winners of the competition.

“This is a life-changing moment and I never dreamt I would win something this meaningful. I’ve won a few lucky draw prizes at races, but never anything like this!” says the 45-year-old infrastructure planner with the Post Office.  “I have worked for the Post Office for 25 years, but had a long-term plan to find something else, so when I saw the competition in Modern Athlete, I thought why not, because I would love to work in a field where I can make a living from my passion for running. But just as important, I want the satisfaction of helping others achieve their goals.” Edwin has been running for two years and has one Two Oceans and one Comrades medal to his name, as well as a number of marathons and shorter races. He openly admits that not so long ago he was a couch potato, but a couple of things happened to convince him to get off the couch. “In August 2008 we had checkups at work and they told me I was overweight and a good candidate for a heart attack. Then my 62-year-old cousin died of a heart attack at the end of January 2009, and that really made me want to look after my health. A week later, my wife, Anilee, was late getting to the start for the Saturday morning training session with her In Touch AC club mates, so I went with her and we walked 8km together.
The following Tuesday I joined the club training session and I was hooked.”

Roxene La Grange of Wilgeheuwel in the West Rand entered the competition only days after she received Modern Athlete at the Comrades Expo. “I had just run Comrades and when I read about the competition I knew it would be a dream come true. I have always had a huge passion for sport. It is a part of my life and keeps my mind and soul free,” says Roxene who works as an au pair and is also a qualified sports development coach.

A month later she was notified that she had made the top 65 list of potential winners and some time after
that she received another mail. She also had a look at a RWFL franchise to get the feel of what it is about.
“I sent RWFL a mail and said I loved what I saw! When Matthew Grossett [RWFL CEO] phoned me I thought it was in reaction to my mail. Then he congratulated me as the second winner! The first words I got out were: ‘You are my hero!’”

Roxene is only 23 years old but it is clear she has more drive and maturity than most people twice her age! “Don’t let my age fool you. I am passionate, I believe I can be a good role model; I am goal driven and love to motivate people to take up a sporting challenge!” Roxene has a huge passion for sport and has excelled at numerous sporting disciplines over the years. Most recently she took on her very first Comrades Marathon and is planning to tackle the Duzi soon!

“I am so excited! Every month I read Modern Athlete from front to back. I love reading all the inspirational articles and now I am going to be featured in the magazine. And on top of that I am the owner of my own business at the age of 23! Only a month before I entered the competition, someone asked me what my goals are and I said I would love to start my own business and help others. Look at me now!”

Edwin and Roxene will now undergo three to four months of training, and will take charge of established Run/Walk For Life branches for a few sessions to make sure they are ready, before opening their own branches around January 2011. Edwin will open his branch in the Brackenfell area and Roxene’s branch will be situated in the West Rand.


Crossing Over

A Quick, Healthy Fix

You work, you take care of the kids, you try to spend some time with the family and you try to fit in your ‘can’t do without’ run! Often preparing a healthy and nutritious meal after a workout falls by the wayside and we opt for quick, unhealthy fixes to save time. Try these four scrumptious recipes that are not only quick to prepare, but also healthy and perfect post-run meals! – BY CHRISTINE PETERS

Preparation time: One minute. Cooking time: 12 minutes.
This is a quick and light alternative to normal pizza. With one wrap being the equivalent of only two slices of bread, you can rest assured that you will not be over-indulging on carbs!

  2 tortillas or wraps (bought or frozen).
  ? cup of tinned chopped tomato.
  100g grated mozzarella cheese.
 1-2 chicken breasts cut into strips.
  1 green or red pepper, chopped or sliced thinly.

  Heat oven to 180?C.
  Heat a thick pan with two tsp oil (e.g. sesame oil). Stir fry  chicken strips until slightly brown. Remove from heat.
 Spice chopped tomatoes with oregano, salt, pepper, garlic flakes, etc.
  Spread tomato mixture thinly over each wrap.
 Sprinkle with grated cheese. Add chicken strips and chopped peppers.
Place one pizza in centre of oven and bake for about eight to ten minutes or until cheese has risen, fallen and gone slightly brown.
 Remove pizza from oven and let it stand for three minutes before slicing into pizza wedges.
  Serve immediately with salad.

Preparation time: 15 minutes. Cooking time: 12 minutes.
Stir fry is a quick and easy way to prepare a meal without a lot of added fat.

  1 tbs oil e.g. sesame/olive or Spray & Cook.
  400g chicken or extra lean beef strips or 150g firm tofu (cut into strips).
 2 onions sliced.
1kg (4 cups) vegetables cut into strips e.g. frozen or fresh carrots/green beans/peppers/snap peas/baby corn/broccoli/mushrooms, etc.
  ? cup vegetable broth or water.
  1 tsp grated orange or lemon zest (grated skin).
  1 tbs chopped coriander (optional).

 Heat a wok or large, thick-based pan over medium heat. Spray with cooking spray or oil.
  Brown chicken/beef/tofu on all sides, then remove from pan and set aside.
  Add onion to wok and saut? for one minute or until transparent. Add vegetables e.g. broccoli, carrots, peas and red pepper; stir-fry until tender crisp, about five minutes.
  Return chicken, beef or tofu to wok and stir in broth, chilli sauce and orange zest. Heat until bubbling.
  Transfer stir fry to serving platter and sprinkle with coriander (optional).
  Serve with brown or basmati rice.

Preparation time: 10 minutes. Cooking time: 15 minutes. Perfect for lunch or supper.

  4 salmon or butterfish fillets.
  8 large brown mushrooms.
 ? round piece of feta (crumbed).
 450g frozen peas (defrosted).
 50ml natural yoghurt.
  Pinch of cumin.

  Preheat oven to 180?C.
  Place fish fillets in individual foil (skin facing down) and season with mustard, lemon juice, soya sauce, salt and pepper. Close foil parcels and place on baking tray on one side.
  Place mushrooms on the other side of the baking tray and thinly sprinkle with crumbed feta, oregano, salt and pepper.
  Bake for about 10 minutes. Open up foil parcels and grill for 5 minutes.
  Blitz peas, yoghurt and cumin till smooth. Allow to stand for 10 minutes.
  Serve salmon fillets with mushrooms and pea mash.

PUFFY EGGS (Serves 2)
Preparation time: 10 minutes. Cooking time: 15 minutes. After a race or long run most of us can’t bear the taste of another sweet thing that reminds us of the energy gels we had earlier! Try these easy, tasty and healthy eggs instead.

  1 whole egg and 3 egg whites.
  2 tbs water.
  60g grated mozzarella cheese.
 ? ripe avocado.
  2 pieces of lean bacon (optional).
  Salt and pepper (to taste).
  1 tsp oregano.
  2 slices toasted low GI or rye bread.


Crack egg and egg whites into a small thick-based saucepan.
 Add water.
  Heat the pan on low heat. Scramble the eggs. Remove from the heat while they are still half runny, half scrambled.
 Sprinkle the grated mozzarella cheese over the eggs.
  Place the eggs in the pan and grill for five to ten minutes until cheese melts and browns slightly.
 Toast the bread and microwave two pieces of lean bacon for 30 seconds or until cooked/crispy.
  Spread ? avocado on each slice of toast.
  Once cheese has melted, remove pan from oven.
  Scoop half of the baked eggs on avocado toast.
 Top with bacon, season with pepper, salt and oregano and serve immediately.

Optional additions: feta, onion, corn, marmalade, tomato, peppers and garlic.