Running in the Family

The ‘Better-sweet’ Truth

You’re probably
not sucking on sugar cubes during the day, but you might be consuming more than your fair share of sugary cereals,
sodas or ice cream. Added sugar is what we call an empty calorie. Sure, with
foods like honey and molasses, you get a few other nutrients, but
calorie-for-calorie, sugar is just carbohydrate. If it’s consumed in excess, it
can actually rob the body of the nutrients required to process it. Excess added
sugar can also send your blood glucose levels sky-high – then insulin shoots up
to clear out the glucose, sending you into a hypoglycaemic state, which can
eventually lead to insulin-resistance.



For those who
want to (or must) limit their sugar intake, there are extensive sugar
substitutes on the market, but we’re faced with so many names and terms, so
making the right choice becomes difficult.
Sugar substitutes
are loosely considered to be any sweetener that you use instead of regular
table sugar (sucrose). They are anywhere from 30 to 1000 times sweeter than
sugar, and as a result, they have much fewer calories than foods made with
table sugar.


The benefits of artificial sweeteners are:

They are non-nutritive — they have
virtually no calories. In contrast, each gram of regular table sugar contains 4

They don’t contribute to tooth decay
and cavities.

They may be a good alternative to
sugar if you have diabetes, as they don’t raise blood sugar levels. (However, because
of concerns about how sugar substitutes are labelled and categorised, first check
with your doctor or dietician about using any sugar substitutes.)



Critics of artificial
sweeteners say that they cause a variety of health problems, including cancer.
That’s largely because of studies dating back to the 1970s that linked
saccharin to bladder cancer in lab rats. As a result, saccharin once carried a
health warning label, but according to the National Cancer Institute and other
health agencies, there’s no sound scientific evidence that any of the
artificial sweeteners approved for use in South Africa cause cancer or other
serious health problems, and the warning label was dropped.


Some people can be sensitive to sweeteners and experience symptoms such
as headaches, bloating or an upset stomach. The only people for whom it is a
medical problem are those with the genetic condition known as phenylketonuria
(PKU), a disorder of amino acid metabolism. They need to keep the levels of
phenylalanine in the blood low to prevent neurological, behavioural and
dermatological problems.



Sugar in moderation can safely be part of a healthy diet and there is no
evidence that added sugar needs to be removed from one’s diet completely. For
people who are trying to control their weight or blood glucose levels, using
artificial sweeteners can be an effective way to achieve this, but remember
that there is an acceptable daily intake limit worked out per kilogram of body
weight. As a general rule, this limits all non-nutritive sweeteners to less than
8 pills or 4 sachets per day.


Regardless of which
sugar substitute you use, it is best to curb your sweet tooth. Most of us can
no longer perceive the natural sweetness in foods such as almonds or snap peas
because we bombard the sweet receptors of the tongue with high-intensity
sweetness and overwhelm that natural ability. By cutting down on sweets, you
can discover a new dimension to the natural flavours in many of your favourite

You can bank on that

Running for Lettie

There we were at the Cape Point
Lighthouse on Friday 29 March, six runners dressed up in pink outfits more akin
to a gay pride parade as Japanese tourists snapped away with their cameras. The
six were Charles ‘Zoog’ Haynes, Alana ‘Doylie’ Doyle, Robert ‘Brundle’ le Brun,
Guy Allen, Alister ‘Dream’ Wilder and myself. We ran along the Puffer Route
over Table Mountain to the bottom of Platteklip Gorge, and from there made our
way back along the contour path to Newlands. We got back to my house at 2:35am
– 15 hours, 35 minutes and 70km later, according to the one Garmin we had
between us – having been joined by more than 10 other runners along the way,
and seconded by still more.


than four hours later, four of us lined up for the start of the Two Oceans ultra,
and all went on to complete an epic 126km journey. Unfortunately, Alister
twisted his ankle badly late on the first day and took no further part, and
Zoog did the entire Puffer section like a champion, despite an injury, and thus
did not start Oceans, but the rest of us did it, with Brundle just making the
final seven-hour cut-off by a few minutes. His raw emotion will be etched in my
heart forever. A moment to savour for life!



This was the Lettie Run 2013,
inspired by fellow runner Lettie Haynes, who last year went through a tough
battle with breast cancer, supported all the way by husband Zoog. She seems to
have won that battle, but she could not have done it on her own, and I think
the group photos of the Lettie Run capture the essence of what inspired us to
do it, and what enabled Lettie to beat a really nasty illness. It sums up the
spirit in which two very special friends of ours tackled a really tough thing
together. It’s amazing how far a sense of humour and a truckload of love and
dignity will take you.


That why we decided to support the
Pink Drive with this run, hence the pink outfits, and it was epic the way we gathered
troops as we ran, like Forrest Gump! Also, thanks to a Brundle-inspired rule, every
FH (Fire Hydrant) sign painted on the road meant “Free Hug” and
everyone piled in! It was pretty sweaty in there, but it reminded us regularly
not to take ourselves or the run too seriously! And I’m sure it provided some
form of entertainment to any passers-by!



But it’s our support crew that truly
show the essence of Lettie Run, and all the other events that we are part of, which
simply would not happen without people who selflessly give of themselves. This
is why Jamo made event stickers for his car, why Brundle’s old man, Stanley, gave
up his entire public holiday to support his special son, why Bryony made
nothing seem like too much trouble, and why Lettie flew down with Zoog from
Durban to give her support and inspiration as the person who has brought us all
together. And there were more people who chipped in. Big or small, it made a
difference to us, and we salute you all.


This run was truly magical. Where
there is heart, incredible things happen. It will live in us forever, and
hopefully will inspire us and many more people to do many more great things,
Lettie Run 2014 being one!




Former SA Marathon Champion David Gatebe beat a highly competitive field
to take the coveted men’s title, crossing the line in 3:08:54. Gatebe, who is a
sporting officer at the Implats Mine in Rustenburg, said the strong winds did
not play a major role in his run. “I decided to pull away from the other runners
after about 34km and managed to keep ahead. It’s a great feeling to win and I
am very happy.” Second place went to local Nedbank runner Mthandazo Qhina (3:10:02),
while Moeketsi Mosuhli (3:10:23) from Lesotho claimed third place.


For the first time since 2007, the Russian twins, Elena and
Olesya Nurgalieva, could not achieve a win. In fact, neither even made the top
three this year, citing flu suffered just three weeks before the race as the reason
for their relatively poor performance, by their normally lofty standards.
Instead it was their countrywoman Natalia Volgina, winner here in 2002, who
came home first in 3:38:38, just over a minute ahead of second-placed Thabita
Tsatsa from Zimbabwe.
Third went to an elated and fresh-looking Charne Bosman, the highest-placed
South African, who has won the Two Oceans Half Marathon three times as well as
three SA Marathon titles. She only recently stepped up to ultras and appears to
have found a new niche for herself.


In the half
marathon, both the men’s and women’s winners set new course records, despite
the windy conditions. Stephen Mokoka won the men’s race in a time 1:03:36,
beating two-time defending champion Lusapho April and Joel Mmone in an exciting
sprint finish. In the women’s race, Ethiopian Biru Meseret Mengista stormed to
victory in a time of 1:12:43, shaving more than two minutes off the course
record set last year by Rene Kalmer, who managed to take second place, while
third went to Irvette van Blerk.



The day
before the 2013 Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon, at the pre-race media briefing,
the big news broke about an upcoming cash incentive to be offered by the race’s
title sponsor, Old Mutual. In 2014, a cash prize of R1 million will be up for
grabs for the winning man and woman if they break the ultra-marathon course
record. Currently, the records belong to the late Thompson Magawana (3:03:44)
and Frith van der Merwe (3:30:36), and these were admittedly set on the old,
supposedly easier course that finished at Brookside inside of up the hill at
UCT, but there are sure to be fireworks in next year’s race as the top men and
women chase after a lucrative payday!




Friendship Run: 1 000

10km Trail Run: 400

22km Trail Run: 400

Half Marathon: 16 900

56km Ultra: 11 050

56m Nappy Dash – 300

300m Toddlers’ Trot –

2.1km – 1 360

5.6km – 2 000

8km – 1 360

35 090

Over 50 000 visitors at the Expo!




This year’s race featured a number of very familiar faces…


Danny K. and Kabelo: These well-known singers and songwriters are the co-founders of the
SHOUT Foundation that made the Shout
and You’re the Voice music videos
that feature many of SA’s top musicians and public figures speaking out about
social conditions in SA. Kabelo completed the ultra fro the sixth time, while
Danny completed his first half, citing his good friend Kabelo as the
inspiration for him to start running.


Letshego Moshoeu and
Gugu Zulu:
Letshego is a biokineticist who was a contestant on the
M-Net reality show Survivor SA: Maldives in 2011, while Gugu is a racing driver
and TV presenter. They participate in many running and cycling events as a
couple, and this was her first Oceans half and his third.


Hein Wagner: This man is
living proof that anything is possible – despite being blind, he has set a
world landspeed driving record and sailed around the world, to name but two of
his many, many achievements. This was his attempt at an ultra, and he made it
look easy – even though he was running with a new guide after his regular
partner had to withdraw due to a knee operation just a few days before the




Thanks to the runners incredible generosity, a record
amount was raised for the Two Oceans Marathon Initiative (TOMI) charities this
year, and this saw cheques of R100 000 each handed over to the SANParks
Honorary Rangers, Western Province Athletics and The Cape Academy of Maths,
Science and Technology.


TOMI is the event’s official fundraising initiative that
provides much-needed support to select groups of charities, with the focus on ensuring
that the education and sporting needs of children are met, education facilities
are provided and upgraded, and environmental issues, involving parks, flora and
fauna, are included.


If you would like to make a donation to TOMI, go to
and click on about-us/event-charity-tomi, or you can do an EFT to:

Bank: Nedbank

Branch Code: 198765

Account Number: 1077006233

Account Holder: Two Oceans Marathon Association




The 2013 Old Mutual
Two Oceans Marathon was an event to remember, so check out your official race
pics online and order your copies today at






1 David Gatebe (Impala Platinum) 3:08:54

2 Mthandazo Qhina (Nedbank) 3:10:02

3 Moeketsi Mosuhli (Mr Price) 3:10:23


1 Natalia Volgina (Nedbank) 3:38:38

2 Thabita Tsatsa (Mr Price) 3:39:57

3 Charne Bosman (Bonitas) 3:40:19


1 Stephen Lesego Mokoka (Transnet) 1:03:36

2 Lusapho April (Oxford Striders) 1:03:40

3 Joel Mmone (Nedbank) 1:03:45


1 Biru Meseret Mengista (Nedbank) 1:12:43

2 Rene Kalmer (Nedbank) 1:14:54

3 Irvette van Blerk (Nedbank) 1:15:20



Tarisai Rukadza 1:44:43

AJ Calitz 1:46:36

Thabang Madiba 1:48:30


1 Landie Visser 2:16:18

2 Chantel Nienaber 2:27:30

3 Jacoline Haasbroek 2:27:56


1 Tranquil Gumbo 44:25

2 Eddie Lambert 46:03

3 Jakob Volmoer 46:57


1 Takalani Nthulane 53:48

2 Marie Wessels 54:30

3 Aneen Koch 59:36


For a full list of results and category winners for the Old Mutual Two
Oceans Half and Ultra Marathon, go to

Flash of the track

Bitter Sweet Success

Mthandazo Qhina and Joel
Mmone will both remember the 2013 Old mutual Two Oceans with bittersweet
memories. Mthandazo thought he had won the ultra, as he never saw the front
runner, but then found he had in fact finished second, while Joel started his
sprint too early in the half marathon after mistaking the wrong banner for the
finish line.



When eventual ultra winner David
Gatebe broke away after 32km, Coolboy Ngamole followed. Mthandazo was in the
chasing pack that managed to catch Coolboy, but he did not realise that David
was still out in front! So, at the top of Constantia Nek, David had a lead of
four minutes, but eventually only beat Mthandazo by 1 minute 8 seconds, 3:08:54
to 3:10:02.


Mthandazo says he felt strong
throughout the race – even that Chapman’s Peak and Constantia Nek felt flat! –
and his mentor, Henning Ludeke, adds that his athlete really looked good in the
closing stages. “Mthandazo was substantially stronger over the last 10km, and
if he had realised earlier that their bus was in second place, he might have
caught David.” As it turned out, Mthandazo surged at Kirstenbosch, with four
kays to go, expecting to cross the line in first place. When he realised he was
second, he says he felt a bit confused and disappointed at first, but
considering his achievement, Henning says has been smiling since.



Mthandazo (35) grew up in a rural
area near Qunu in the Eastern Cape. He ran middle distances in primary school,
but his father had him shepherding cows and sheep instead of attending high
He left for Cape Town, where he sold snacks on the Cape Metro trains
before finding work in the mines in Jo’burg. However, he became afraid that
working underground might affect his respiratory system and did some casual
work instead.


At this stage (2007) he became
homeless, but Elias Sello, a friend and runner, gave him accommodation.
Mthandazo entered a few races and was immediately hooked, going on to finish his
first marathon in a time of 2:46:47
. Since 2008 he has done
most of his training and racing in Cape Town and has won numerous races. His
PBs include 30:01 for 10km and a 6:21 at Comrades. Mthandazo is the current Western
Province half marathon champion
and has run four Two Oceans Marathons. He has improved
from a 78th position (3:40) in 2010 to a 6th position (3:11) last year and a
second placing this year.



Henning has played a supportive role
in Mthandazo’s career since November 2011. “
He is a very strong-willed character, disciplined and a hard worker, and
had made a lot of natural progress on his own before we met.
We are
close friends that share a passion for running.
My main role is to find ways of
introducing small but incremental improvements in his training, as well as help
him navigate career decisions. Being part of the Nedbank Green Dream Team has
also helped Mthandazo focus more on his running and less on making a living
from running,” says Henning.


The next big step is Comrades. “As a novice he stood a good chance for a gold medal in
2012. Unfortunately, he cramped up just before Sherwood, where he was then attacked
by a deranged man on the side of the road!” says Henning. “He is currently in
peak shape and we have enough time to recover and prepare properly for a spot
on the podium. His dream is to win Comrades and then race overseas.”



In the half, Joel Mmone believed he
had a chance at a second place, but mistimed his final sprint. “When I realised
it wasn’t the finish line, my legs were done and the actual finish seemed very
far,” he Joel, who crossed the line third in 1:03:45, just five seconds behind
second-placed Lusapho April. Apart from this, Joel says he had a great race,
adding that the pace was relaxed until Lusapho took the lead at the 12km mark.
“After that the pace was hard, 2:55 minutes per kilometre, and at 19km my legs
started tiring.”


Although he was a bit disappointed that
he sprinted too early, Joel is still happy with his performance, and will
continue to stick to the shorter distances under the watchful eye of coach Pio
Mpolokeng. With a half marathon PB of 1:03:05 and a second place finish at last
year’s Two Oceans, Joel is hoping to claim top spot on the podium next year.
“Winning Two Oceans is my big dream,” says Joel, who has
been part of the Nedbank Running Club since the age of 16.

Running Free

The Unogwaja Challenge


Nickname: SeaBiscuit

Age: 26

Self-given Unogwaja Title: Coach


About me: I am a Maths
and IT teacher from Cape Town. My chosen sport is running because I have long
legs and it’s an amazing characteristic given to me by God! I love running and
am a RedSocker for life. The treatiest thing about me is that I talk a lot and
I am very sociable. The words I live by are “Your life is your message to the
world. Make it inspiring.” (Lorrin L. Lee) and “It’s hard to beat someone that
never gives up.”



To complete the Unogwaja Challenge in 2013.

To obtain a 100% pass for my Grade 9 register class.

To inspire and motivate people to pursue their dreams.


Charity I support: Wildlands –
SMS race 678 to 42030 to donate R30
to AJ’s cause.



Nickname: Grant
(Creative, I know)

Age: 33

Self-given Unogwaja Title: A ‘mere’


About me: I am a
chiropractor in private practice from Durban. My main sports are running,
cycling and swimming because endurance sport allows me to eat anything I want!
I have learnt to take life in my stride with a smile, and I try to have a balanced
life. The words I live by are “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do
small things with great love.” (Mother Teresa) and “Is what you’re doing today
getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow?”



To complete the Hillcrest Marathon in a time of sub-3:20.

To survive, enjoy and get inspired by finishing the
Unogwaja Challenge 2013.

To finish Comrades and get my green number!

To complete Ironman in 2014.


Charity I support: The
Community Chest – SMS race 655 to
42030 to donate R30 to Grant’s cause.



Nickname: GI (Gee Eye)

Age: 34

Self-given Unogwaja Title: Vice


About me: I am a
documentary filmmaker from Durban. My main sport is adventure racing because I
take comfort in knowing my body and how far I can push it. I am an ordinary
person determined to make an extraordinary difference in my own life, and
thereby hopefully inspire others. The treatiest thing about me is I am
stubborn! I will not pack it in until I achieve the goal I set out for myself.
The words I live by are “Life is too short to do something you don’t enjoy” and
“Health, mobility and vitality are not gifts to be squandered on the couch.”



To inspire.

To maximise.

To push boundaries.

To tear down society’s preconceived limitations.

To laugh.


Charity I support: The Community Chest – SMS race 680 to 42030 to donate R30 to
David’s cause.


Nickname: MichI

Age: 31

Self-given Unogwaja Title: NewBee


About me: I work at
my family’s business in Johannesburg. My main sports are swimming, cycling,
running and water-skiing, because they makes me feel so alive and that
anything’s possible. I love laughing, sport and holidays at the sea, and I
can’t go a day without tea and chocolate. The treatiest thing about me is that
I am always keen for a new adventure. Thewords I live by are “There is no
passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are
capable of living.” (Nelson Mandela) and “There is always time to drink
champagne and dance on the table!”



Unogwaja Challenge 2013.

Comrades Marathon.


Charity I support: Starfish –
SMS race 718 to 42020 to donate R30
to Michelle’s cause.

Walking Wonder

Overcoming Hurdles

It is
isn’t often that an athlete finishes first in an SA Champs event to claim a
first national title, and then feels guilty for winning, but that is what
happened to 400m hurdles champ Annerie Ebersohn at the 2013 SA Track and Field
Champs in Stellenbosch last April. She was drawn in a lane outside of her
friend, clubmate and training partner, Wenda Nel, the defending champion, and
expected her big rival to come up on her inside during the final, but was
surprised to see no sign of Wenda at the finish line.


“It was a
bittersweet race for me, because once I crossed the finish line I realised
Wenda had fallen. Yes, I was happy I had won, but at the same time I had taken
the title from my great friend. Also, the question in my mind was, would I have
won if she didn’t fall?” says Annerie. “Later that night Wenda sent me a long
message saying that I must never feel bad for doing well, even if it meant
beating her. Since then we keep the jokes flowing about who is going to beat
who! We have reached a similar level now, and despite Wenda being my biggest
rival, she is also one of my biggest supporters, alongside my family and
training group.”


When the
going gets tough, Annerie also turns to her family for moral support,
specifically her two brothers, Robert and Sias, who both play Super 15 rugby
for the Cheetahs. “There are tough days where I feel like giving up, but then I
just pick up the phone and call one of my brothers, and they give me the best
advice! They always tell me, we are not the type of people that quit!” says



only started athletics in grade one because it was something to pass the time
with, but by the time she was 10 years old, she was competing at SA
Championships at primary school and youth levels. “It took me a good five years
to win at the age of 15 for the first time, though,” she says. In those years
she was based in Bloemfontein and coached by DB Prinsloo, but after school the
opportunity arose to go to Tukkies to further her athletics career and study
law. However, it didn’t quite go to plan, at first…


“I never
realised how tough it would be, and in my first year in Pretoria, my athletics
went backwards. I asked my new coach, Hennie Kotzer, why the training programme
was not working for me, and he told me he had a lot of faith in his programme
and that I must just keep going. It honestly felt as if I was in a ‘hell camp.’
Also, I had no friends or family there at first, which made it more tough, and
I am very grateful to the friends I made, as they were a great help with my
studies. Juggling athletics and a law degree is no joke!”


By the
time Annerie reached her second year at varsity, Hennie’s sometimes offbeat
methods began to prove successful, and her athletics began to flourish. “My
coach is a little bit crazy!” laughs Annerie. “Some days, when the weather is
bad, he will still make us train, whether it be stair-work or running in the
rain. We usually rest on Sundays, but if the coach says we’re training, then we
don’t rest. One specific time we trained for 21 days in a row!”



But it
worked, and in the same season that she claimed the national title, Annerie was
also selected for the SA World Champs squad that went to Moscow in August, where
she says she saw a different side to the sport. “Most of those athletes run for
a living, it is their profession. Athletes in South Africa need to have a back-up
plan, as most of us won’t be able to afford to ‘just’ run. This is unfortunate
for me, as I would love to keep running until I can no longer run anymore,”
says Annerie. Nevertheless, her future goals include competing at the 2014 Commonwealth
Games in Scotland, and she has high hopes that ASA and SASCOC will sort out
their differences to make this possible. She is also aiming to get a medal at
the World Student Champs in Korea in 2015. “Then of course I would love to go
to the Olympics in 2016!”



200m                24:24

400m                53:25

Hurdles    55:87

Gotta have faith

Trail’s Mr Tough

The 35km Jonkershoek Mountain Challenge race in May
2013 showed exactly why Thabang Madiba is now such a respected trail runner in
SA. With 5km to go he was three minutes behind the leaders, but using his natural speed, technique on steep downhills and ability to
pick it up in the latter part of a race, he chased down trail star AJ
Calitz, Ian Don-Wauchope and Michael Bailey to grab gold in 2:59:56. With it came the title of SA Long
Distance Trail Running Champion, and a spot in the SA team for the World Long
Distance Trail Running Champs in Poland.


“I’ve become a technical runner and I love
taking the hills with speed,” says Thabang, “I’ve found the downhills the best
thing when I need to catch up in the last few kays of a race. I also remember
taking on AJ at the Red Bull LionHeart in November as well, where I was lying
third for a while but managed to close the gap and then pull about a minute
ahead of the third man, but AJ still just took the title.”



Given the success that the man from
Ga-Rankuwa has enjoyed on the trails, it’s hard to believe that he only did his
first trail race in 2009, with little knowledge of the technicality of the
sport. “I was always an athlete, and I remember being quite good in the 1500m
in high school, but I started mainly on the road,” says Thabang. “But at home
there was a small mountain I could run on and I enjoyed it so much. Now I am driven
by the uniqueness of the trails I race. It’s great to get into it – you get to
view nature for free and there is always something new. Every trail is
different and that’s why it keeps me motivated!”


In the last few years, Thabang’s talent on
the bike as well as his feet gave him the opportunity to represent SA at the
ITU Duathlon World Champs in Spain in 2011, where he placed 21st
overall. But it was after joining forces with coach Nico Sterk early in 2012
that Thabang showed he was destined for great things on the trails. He collected
wins at Hedianga Ridge, the Cradle Mayhem, Diamond Dash V and the Roodepoort
Ramble events, and also finished third in the Old Mutual Two Oceans Trail Run. In
2013 he secured another third place at the Two Oceans Trail Race, won in
Jonkershoek and also grabbed eighth at the Otter Trail Marathon.


“I always had my running, but it wasn’t
until I met my coach that things came my way. Nico showed me a little more
control in training and right now I’m training two hours a day each in the
mornings and afternoons, while cycling in-between for fitness and doing long
rides of three hours on the weekends,” says Thabang, who also does sessions on
the track to work on his speed. “I needed a programme I could follow properly,
and I’ve definitely grown from that. Now I’m used to six days of intensity a



Thabang says the thing he is most thankful
for is the support he gets from family, friends and Nico. “It’s been hard,
because I have a three-year-old son, so there needs to be a balance always, but
my family supports my running, and I also have an amazing neighbour who drives
me to races, while the community always has a good word to say.” Fatherhood is
never far from Thabang’s mind, and after a hard training session he goes
straight home to play with his son. “It’s about commitment for me,” he says, “I
manage to do it all and make sure I support my family as well.”


He also says he finds it encouraging to
see how quickly trail running is growing in this country. A few years back, he
saw very little competition for the elites, but now there are athletes putting
their stamp on races all over. “In the last three years it’s changed a lot! Now
there’s more competition out there, which is great motivation for me!” And so,
looking ahead to 2014, Thabang will be chasing more wins: “I want to go back to
the Two Oceans Trail Run because for me it beats any race for scenery and the
atmosphere from the crowd. There are also the XTERRA competitions in the coming
months, and qualifying for the XTERRA World Champs. That’s my ultimate goal!”

Fixed By Running

Bring it Home, James

Having finished second in Ironman Austria and sixth in
Ironman SA in 2009, James Cunnama qualified for the Ironman World Champs in
Kona for the first time, but he knew he was not experienced enough to race hard
in Hawaii. Instead he treated it as a recce and test his strengths on the course.
“It turns out I was weak everywhere! So I promised myself I wouldn’t go back
until I was properly prepared.” After a few near misses, he returned in 2013
and finished fourth, the highest ever placing by a South African in Kona.
However, his great showing caught the media totally unaware, despite the fact
that he set only the 19th ever sub-8:00 Ironman time when he won the
Challenge Roth in 2012.


“I was barely on the media radar, despite my sub-eight
and winning a few races in the lead-up to Kona. I was the lowest qualifier, but
I had planned it that way, by cherry-picking races and doing just enough to get
in – the top 50 in the world get selected, but the World Champ goes
automatically, so I knew 51st place was enough. I was considered a
dark horse, because I had not raced well in Kona before.” Well, after a solid
swim and leading the bike leg for a while, James overcame stomach cramps late
in the run leg to overtake two runners in the last few kays to clinch fourth in
8:21:46. “
a little frustrating being one off the podium, but just four years ago I got
absolutely annihilated, finishing 82nd behind most of the girls, so I think I
proved something to myself!”



Born in Pietermaritzburg to parents
who regularly competed in the Comrades and Dusi, James was waking early for
training runs from a young age, often running with his mother’s ‘Pukers’
training group, and at 16 he was regularly wining the junior category in local
races up to the half marathon distance. In 2002 he moved to Port Elizabeth to
study Human Movement Science, and at the same time turned his attention to
middle-distance track in order to improve his speed over all distances. Then in
2004 James worked as a race volunteer at the first Spec-Savers Half Ironman, which
allowed him to drive around the route and get a
great perspective of the race.


following year the full Ironman came to town and the triathlon bug bit still
deeper. James did his first Ironman SA in 2007, finishing 21st, and
the following year he finished 10th and sixth in the Ironman 70.3
SA, then took a chance and wrote what he describes as a cocky e-mail to Team TBB-Tri-Cozumel, telling them he planned to win the
Ironman World Champs someday. “S
ix hours later I got an
invite to their Philippines training camp, so I scraped together a few pennies
and went. I did enough to earn a small contract for 2009, which meant I could
live the dream and turn fulltime pro.” That year he was sixth at Ironman SA and
second at Ironman Austria, and since then he has featured regularly on the
podium at Ironman SA and Ironman 70.3 SA, as well as various Ironman events and
other triathlons around the world.



These days James
lives half the year in Stellenbosch and spends the rest of the year between
Europe and the USA. He is one half of the unofficial fastest triathlon couple
in the world with Brit Jody Swallow, a 2004 Olympian and current Ironman 70.3
World Champion. They have been together for two years and travel and race
together as much as possible. “We train at different speeds and intensities, so
often train separately – she actually trains harder than me – but we do about
50% of our races together,” says James. “
It would be ideal to travel the world together, like a permanent
honeymoon, but we both treat events as our job, and we cherry-pick our races to
get the best results and maximum WTC points. As hard as it is being apart, we
have a pretty good set-up and see a lot of each other.”


Unsurprisingly, given his terrific fourth place at
Kona, James is now focused on winning the Ironman World Championship title, and
he reckons he has a good chance of claiming that coveted title. “I think 15 of
the last 16 winners finished in the top four the year before they won it… but most
previous winners have been at least 34, so at 30 I’m not putting too much
pressure on myself yet. I learnt a lot at Kona this year and know what I need to
work on. But I feel I can win it.”

Long Live the King!

Magical Motivation


It’s a combination of things that
motivate me to push as hard as I do – from an illness that changed my life
forever, to the people, past and present, who have influenced me in numerous
ways. When I was much younger, I looked up to my sister who was a Springbok
swimmer. At school, I took up gymnastics and swimming, which I think was the
beginning of my drive in sport, and it definitely instilled the discipline
required to achieve all the things I have!



I remember getting into running
after I met Monika Kraushaar when I signed up for my first Adventure Boot Camp
class. We ran our first 10km at the RAC 10km and inspired each other to take
our running a step further. Monika went onto Comrades and climbing Kilimanjaro,
after overcoming some serious injuries along the way, and it motivated me to be
better. I don’t think I have ever met such a strong-willed individual.


It was a harder path for me. In
2010, I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in my wrist, which
forced me to look at my life differently and make some radical changes in order
to manage the condition. The chronic disease causes swelling, severe pain and
changes in the skin. It took a while to be diagnosed properly and there were
little things I couldn’t do – like a job in an office with a computer! That was
a real low point in my life, but after a while, after getting out on the road
again, I figured that I needed to be strong. There was nothing wrong with my
legs, and I was motivated to do the rehab for my wrist, and at that point my
mind took over. I ran, ate healthily and meditated, and I knew that this
illness could give me the opportunity to give back to others in the fitness
lifestyle I adored.



So I took the brave leap from the
corporate world to start my own Adventure Boot Camp franchise. I remember going
through the training as a franchisee and I couldn’t even manage a push-up! But
I had a strong mind and I remain grateful for the opportunity that was given to
me. I was always scared to do personal training, but I knew that I could
motivate people and myself. After all, exercise was my number one passion.
Despite having a hand that stuck out like a claw, leaving me unable to do
anything that meant using my left arm and wrist, I remained positive.


I believe that being a great
motivator is a gift that some people are born with, but it is a quality that
can also be honed if one is doing something that you are truly passionate
about. That’s me! I followed what I wanted to in life and after three-and-a-half
years, I’ve established two camps in Norwood and Illovo in Johannesburg. The
real challenge now is to change it up for the current members, keeping classes
fun and fresh. A lot of people come to class after a long day, so I like
motivating them to better themselves.


As for me? I’m planning to run my
first marathon soon, and want to take some Boot Camp members through with me. I
suffered a split cartilage in my knee at the Old Ed’s 21km, so I’ve been out
for a bit, but I’m ready to come back fighting again!

For more info about
Adventure Boot Camp franchises, call 021 447 2746 / 082 567 2267, visit
or e-mail [email protected].

Soak Away Your Soreness

January Jumpstart!


1. Make oats your
best friend!
Eating a cup of oatmeal (no instant) in the morning will
prevent you from gorging in the afternoon. Try to add a few drops of vanilla
essence instead of sugar or honey.


2. Make a list: Do your
grocery shopping with a list and a time limit – that way, you’re less likely to
stray into the processed foods section.


3. Don’t confuse
thirst with hunger.
Drink a glass of water when you feel hungry
to see if that’s what you’re really craving.


4. Take a brisk walk
before lunch or dinner.
Not only will you get in some exercise,
you’re less likely to choose something unhealthy after a little exercise.


5. Add red pepper
flakes to your pantry.
When eaten early in the day, red pepper
lowers the amount of food you’ll eat later. Try adding it to some scrambled egg
or an omelette filled with vegetables.


6. Use a dash of
gives fruits such as apples and melons a richer dessert feel without having to
add sugar.


7. Small changes work

If you’re having trouble getting started, make a small change such as starting
a food diary or buying new running shoes. You’re three times more likely to
follow through if you start with small gestures.


8. Beware
“fat-free” or “zero trans-fats” foods,
as you
could be trading fats for large amounts of sugar or sodium.


9. Chew

Sugarless chewing gum can suppress your appetite in a pinch.


10. Dump
the junk food
. If you want to avoid temptation, make sure you clean
out the fridge and the pantry.


11. Eat a
snack before a party.
Arriving with an empty stomach is a recipe
for disaster!


12. Have a
Plan B:

Create a shorter training route for days when you’re busy and pressed for time.
It’s far better than doing nothing at all.


13. Read

Make sure you check food labels and avoid anything with more than 4g of sugar,
especially high-fructose corn syrup, per serving.


14. Team

If you’re trying to lose weight with your significant other, pack each other’s
lunches. The lunchbox surprises will keep the both of you motivated.


15. Start

If you’re eating out, make salad the appetizer. Most starters are fried and
come with unhealthy dips or sauces.


16. Round
up support:
Share your weight-loss goals with your friends and
family, make it a positive life change and ask for their encouragement.


17. Dress

Store-bought or restaurant salad dressings can be packed with calories. Make
your own vinaigrette and store it in a small spray bottle to coat your greens
without over-dressing them.


18. Wrap
it up:

Before you sit down to a meal, wrap up any extra food so you’re not tempted to
get seconds.


Schedule your treats.
Establish regular times when you get to indulge
in your favourite food. Once you’re conditioned to eat your treat at those
times – and those times only – you’ll stop obsessing about them.


20. Do it

Cooking meals at home allows you to control both portion size and what goes into
the food. Restaurant and packaged foods generally contain a lot more sodium,
fat and calories, plus the portion sizes tend to be larger.




(Header) Healthy Recipes to Try




Ingredients (serves 4)

500g cauliflower (1
medium head)

1 tablespoon olive

1 clove garlic,

2 shallots (or yellow
onion), thinly sliced

1 tablespoon soy
sauce (optional)

Salt and pepper

1 small bunch of flat
leaf parsley



1.     Process the cauliflower, including the core in a food processor (or
grate) until crumbly.

2.     Heat oil in a large frying pan until hot, saut? garlic and shallots
until tender. Add cauliflower and cook, stirring until golden brown.

3.     Chop the parsley and mix it in with the cauliflower.

4.     Add soy sauce (optional) and salt and pepper (to taste), then serve.





9 tablespoons white wine vinegar

1 ? tablespoons wildflower honey

? teaspoon fine sea salt

1 cup canola oil

3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

3 tablespoons minced fresh chives



Combine the first three ingredients in a medium bowl.
Slowly whisk in oil until combined. Stir in basil and chives. Store it in an
airtight container in the fridge for up to five days.