A quick guide to shin splints

A quick guide to shin splints

Brad Walker explains the signs and symptoms of shin splints, the preventative action you can take to reduce the chances of experiencing the injury and how to treat shin splints.

Shin splints is a term commonly used to describe lower leg pain. However, shin splints are only one of several conditions that affect the lower leg. The most common causes of lower leg pain are general shin soreness, shin splints and stress fractures.

Before I move on to shin splints, I want to cover the topic of general shin soreness. Shin soreness is simply a muscular overuse problem. By using the RICER regime (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Referral), you will be able to overcome 95% of all general shin soreness within about 72 hours. For lower leg pain that goes beyond general shin soreness, a more aggressive approach must be taken.

Although the term ‘shin splints’ is often used to describe a variety of lower leg problems, it actually refers specifically to a condition called Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS). To better understand shin splints, or MTSS, let us have a look at the muscles, tendons and bones involved.

There are many muscles and tendons that make up the lower leg, or calf region. It is quite a complex formation of inter-weaving and overcrossing muscles and tendons. The main components of the lower leg that are affected by the pain associated with shin splints are the tibia and fibula. These are the two bones in the lower leg. The tibia is situated on the medial, or inside of the lower leg, while the fibula is situated on the lateral, or outside of the lower leg.

There are also a large number of the muscles that, when overworked, pull on the tibia and fibula and cause the pain associated with shin splints. Specifically, the pain associated with shin splints is a result of fatigue and trauma to the muscle’s tendons where they attach themselves to the tibia. In an effort to keep the foot, ankle and lower leg stable, the muscles exert a great force on the tibia. This excessive force can result in the tendons being partially torn away from the bone.

While there are many causes of shin splints, they can all be categorised into two main groups, overload (or training errors) and biomechanical inefficiencies.

Shin splints are commonly associated with sports that require a lot of running or weight bearing activity. However, it is not necessarily the added weight or force applied to the muscles and tendons of the lower leg, but rather the impact force associated with running and weight bearing activities.

In other words, it is not the running itself, but the sudden shock force of repeated landings and changes of direction that cause the problem. When the muscles and tendons become fatigued and overloaded, they lose their ability to adequately absorb the damaging shock force.

Other overload causes include:

  • Exercising on hard surfaces, such as concrete.
  • Exercising on uneven ground.
  • Beginning an exercise programme after a long lay-off period.
  • Increasing exercise intensity or duration too quickly.
  • Exercising in worn out or ill-fitting shoes.
  • Excessive uphill or downhill running.

The major biomechanical inefficiency contributing to shin splints is flat feet. Flat feet lead to a second biomechanical inefficiency called over-pronation. Pronation occurs just after the heel strikes the ground. The foot flattens out and then continues to roll inward. Over-pronation occurs when the foot and ankle continue to roll excessively inward. This excessive inward rolling causes the tibia to twist which, in-turn, over stretches the muscles of the lower leg.

Other biomechanical causes include:

  • Poor running mechanics.
  • Tight, stiff muscles in the lower leg.
  • Running with excessive forward lean.
  • Running with excessive backward lean.
  • Landing on the balls of your feet.
  • Running with your toes pointed outwards.

Prevention, rather than cure, should always be your first aim. I was very surprised when researching this topic, at the number of articles that totally neglected any mention of preventative measures. They all talked of treatment and cure, but only one out of 20 took the time to address the issue of prevention in any detail. Even before any sign of shin soreness appears there are a number of simple preventative measures that can be easily implemented.

Since about half of all lower leg problems are caused by biomechanic inefficiencies, it makes sense to get the right advice on footwear. Your feet are the one area you should not ‘skimp’ on. The best advice I can give you concerning footwear is to go and see a qualified podiatrist for a complete foot strike or gait analysis. They will be able to tell you if there are any concerns regarding the way your foot strike or gait is functioning. After your foot strike has been analysed, have your podiatrist, or competent sports footwear sales person recommend a number of shoes that suit your requirements. Good quality footwear will go a long way in helping to prevent many lower leg problems.

Apart from good footwear, what else can you do? I believe the following three preventative measures are not only very effective, but crucial. Firstly, a thorough and correct warm-up will help to prepare the muscles and tendons for any activity to come. Without a proper warm-up, the muscles and tendons will be tight and stiff. There will be limited blood flow to the lower legs, which will result in a lack of oxygen and nutrients for those muscles. Before any activity, be sure to thoroughly warm up all the muscles and tendons that will be used during your sport or activity.

Secondly, flexible muscles are extremely important in the prevention of lower leg injuries. When muscles and tendons are flexible and supple, they are able to move and perform without being over stretched. If, however, your muscles and tendons are tight and stiff, it is quite easy for those muscles and tendons to be pushed beyond their natural range of movement. To keep your muscles and tendons flexible and supple, it is important to undertake a structured stretching routine.

And thirdly, strengthening and conditioning the muscles of the lower leg will also help to prevent shin splints.

Firstly, be sure to remove the cause of the problem. Whether it is a biomechanical problem, or an overload problem, make sure steps are taken to remove the cause. The basic treatment for shin splints is no different to most other soft tissue injuries. Immediately following the onset of any shin pain, the RICER regime should be applied. This involves rest, ice, compression, elevation, and referral to an appropriate professional for an accurate diagnosis. It is critical that the RICER regime be implemented for at least the first 48 to 72 hours. Doing this will give you the best possible chance of a complete and full recovery.

The next phase of treatment (after the first 48 to 72 hours) involves a number of physiotherapy techniques. The application of heat and massage is one of the most effective treatments for speeding up the healing process of the muscles and tendons. I have found, both from personal experience and from working with many clients, that this form of treatment is the most effective. If you suffer from shin splints, be sure to spend at least a few minutes massaging the affected area both before and after you exercise.

Once most of the pain has been reduced, it is time to move on to the rehabilitation phase of your treatment. The main aims of this phase it to regain the strength, power, endurance and flexibility of the muscle and tendons that have been injured.

This article courtesy of Brad Walker and Peak Performance. Brad Walker is the Founder and CEO of The Stretching Institute, the foremost experts in stretching and flexibility training.


Know Your Fats

Know Your Fats

Energy in the diet comes in three forms – carbohydrate, protein and fat. These macronutrients are organic compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but in different ratios. There are three main types of fats in the diet: saturated, mono-unsaturated (MUFAs) and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Other types of fats in our foods include trans fatty acids and cholesterol. There is so much controversy about including fats in our diet, that it is essential to understand the essential role that healthy fats play.

  • Energy: The main function of fat is to supply the body with fuel. This energy is stored in adipose tissue and can supply fuel for many days if need be.
  • Insulation: Fat stored in adipose tissue is largely stored subcutaneously (under the skin) which makes it an effective insulator and helps conserve body temperature in cold weather.
  • Padding: Adipose tissue surrounding the vital organs like the kidneys, protects against physical injury.
  • Hormonal and cell membrane function: If your body fat percentage drops too low, cell membranes and some hormones don’t function properly for example, oestrogen.
  • Nerve conduction: Each fast-conducting nerve fibre is sheathed in a specific kind of fat called myelin.
  • Fat soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids: The fat in our foods should contain fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and the two essential fatty acids, omega 3 and 6.

Fats and oils are part of a healthy diet. However, the types of fat and the total amounts of fat consumed are also important. High intake of saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol increases the risk of unhealthy blood lipid levels, which may increase the risk of coronary heart disease. A high intake of fat (>35% of total calories) makes it mare difficult to avoid taking in excess calories, which can lead to undesirable body fat gain. A low intake of fat (<20% of total calories) may lead to unfavourable changes in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) blood cholesterol and triglycerides, increasing the risk of coronary heart disease.

Certain fats positively affect your health and cholesterol levels, while others have a negative influence.


  • Saturated fats, found in animal products such as butter and cheese, as well as in some vegetable oils, have gained the reputation of increasing bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Cholesterol is obtained mainly from red meat and shellfish. Red meat contains not only cholesterol, but also saturated fat. However, most of our blood cholesterol comes not from dietary sources, but from our livers. Our liver uses saturated fat to make new cholesterol. Thus, when you are told to lower your blood cholesterol, it is important that you watch the amount of cholesterol you eat and the amount of saturated fat you take in. This limits the amount of cholesterol the liver makes. The recommended amount of cholesterol should not exceed 300mg per day.
  • Trans fatty acids are formed as a result of processing a fat in food manufacturing. Many of the fats used in food processing (such as those from nuts, seeds and beans) are liquid at room temperature and unsuitable for addition to foods. However, these oils may be treated chemically to make them solid through ‘hydrogenation’. During this process, fats are heated to high temperatures and hydrogen is added. This makes the fats more solid and also gives them a longer shelf life. However, it also damages fats and may lead to their conversion to unusually shaped fats known as ‘trans fatty acids’ or ‘trans fats’. Trans fats are found in a wide range of foods including commercially baked goods (biscuits, cookies, etc), fast foods, processed foods and margarines. The greater the degree of hydrogenation, the more saturated the fat becomes and the more trans fats are produced. These can cause more arteriosclerosis (fatty acid build up in the arteries) because they raise the LDL, or bad, cholesterol and lower HDL, or good, cholesterol. They have even been found to increase triglyceride levels (another type of dangerous fat that can damage the pancreas and lead to diabetes).

Unsaturated fats (PUFAs and MUFAs) are beneficial to us and may help lower cholesterol, provided they are eaten in moderation and replace saturated and trans fat in the diet. 

  • Poly-unsaturated fats (PUFAs) are found in two main types in the diet: omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. These play important roles in maintaining the health of the body’s systems and structures. The effects of PUFAs on the body are a result of their conversion into hormone-like substances known as eicosanoids, however eicosanoids derived from omega 3 tend to be different to those derived from omega 6. Omega 6 eicosanoids encourage inflammation, blood vessel constriction and clotting of the blood, while omega 3 eicosanoids have the opposite effect, that is, anti-inflammatory effects, reducing the risk of blood clotting. Because of this antagonistic relationship, it is important to consume these in the ratio (omega 6: omega 3) of between 5:1 and 10:1. Skewed intake of omega 6 can contribute to illnesses such as inflammatory disease (e.g. arthritis, gout), thrombosis (blood clots) and a compromised immune system. Unfortunately, the typical South African diet has far more omega 6 fats and not enough omega 3 fats.
  • Mono-unsaturated fats (MUFAs) are believed to have benefits for the body. Including MUFAs in your diet, especially when replacing saturated and trans fats, lowers bad cholesterol and doesn’t lower good cholesterol levels. For this reason, they are considered to be cardio-protective.

Fat is a necessary component of an athlete’s diet as it provides energy, especially for long term endurance.
Fat also provides essential elements for cell membranes and is associated with nutrients such as vitamin A, D, E and K, and essential fatty acids. General recommendations for fat are 20-30% of total calories per day, with the fatty acid proportions being 10% saturated fat, 10% MUFAs, 10% PUFAs. The daily diet must include sources of essential fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3). Most fats should come from MUFAs such as oils from canola, olive, peanut and avocado. Nuts such as peanuts and almonds, as well as peanut butter, avocado, olives and hummus are all high in MUFAs. Keep saturated fat and cholesterol to a minimum, so opt for fat free or low fat dairy products, lean meat, skinless chicken and fish. Lastly, avoid trans fats as much as possible, such as those found in fried goods and commercially-made food.


  • Use extra lean meat where possible.
  • Cut off visible fat before cooking, not after, as fat seeps into the flesh while cooking.
  • Halve the amount of red meat you would normally use by adding legumes such as lentils.
  • Choose no oil varieties of canned fish (e.g. fish in brine).
  • If labelled, choose meats with 10% fat or less.
  • Avoid processed meats such as sausages, wors and luncheon meats such as polony and salami.
  • Boil, steam, bake, grill, microwave or ‘dry fry’ food, rather than frying.
  • Cook roasts in an oven roast bag and remove excess skin or fat before roasting.
  • Eat fish (especially oily fish such as salmon, herring or fresh tuna) at least twice a week.
  • Limit red meat to two to three times a week and avoid other high cholesterol foods such as organ meats, caviar, prawns or calamari.


  • Choose low fat or fat-free dairy products such as skimmed milk, low-fat or fat-free yoghurt.
  • Choose cheeses with a lower fat percentage, at least less than 25% fat e.g. mozzarella, some feta, cottage cheese, etc.

Processed foods

  • Choose lower fat foods e.g. bagels, low fat ice cream, banana bread.
  • Read labels and opt for the lowest fat option. Avoid foods made with shortening or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
  • Beware of products that say ‘lite’ or ‘light’. This does not necessarily mean light in fat or calories. It could be light in salt, flavour or colour.
  • ‘Low cholesterol’ is another misleading term, since foods can still be high in oil and calories.
  • Choose a small amount of high quality treats such as 70% dark chocolate. You will eat less and may even get some nutrients out of it.
  • Pastries are generally high in fat. Use phyllo pastry and brush a little oil on the top sheet.
  • When reading food labels, look for foods made with unhydrogenated oils rather than hydrogenated vegetable oils or saturated fat.

Dessert and sweets

  • Choose low fat yoghurt, low fat custard, low fat ice-cream or jelly as a dessert.
  • Make fat reduced versions of muffins, cakes and puddings.

Snack foods and take-aways

  • Stay away from snack foods such as chips, vetkoek, dried wors and salted nuts. They are high in fat and we tend to over eat them.
  • Make your own low fat snacks like air-popped popcorn, toasted pita strips, vegetables cut into small bite-sized snacks or roasted, curried chickpeas.
  • Use hummus or avocado mixed with cottage cheese and lemon juice as healthy dips instead of high fat cheese dips or pat?s.
  • Use avocado or hummus as spreads instead of butter or hard brick margarines.
  • Limit take-aways and opt for healthier choices such as grilled chicken. Choose salad, vegetables, rice or baked potato instead of chips and onion rings. Share pizza and salad, instead of eating a whole pizza.


  • The Completer South African Guild to Sports Nutrition by Louise Burke , 1998.
  • American College of Sports Medicine. American Dietetic Association, Dieticians of Canada: nutrition and athletic performance. Joint Position Statement. 2009
  • Delport L and Volschenk P (2007): Eat Smart for Sport. Tafelberg
  • Dippenaar N and Delport L (2006): The South African Fat and Protein Guild. GIFSA

WINNING WALKER!  3 759.7km In A Year

WINNING WALKER! 3 759.7km In A Year

He bought a brand new car, big and comfortable enough to sleep in before races. He spent hours planning which races to run where. He even forked out thousands of rands travelling overseas to find races so he could clock up as many kilometres as possible, all the time meticulously logging each and every kilometre. Brian Marshall was a man on a mission; a man who walked 3 759.7km in races in 12 months – and became the first walker ever to beat runners in the 500/1 000km Challenge. Modern Athlete spoke to Brian about walking, winning and that unspoken rivalry between walkers and runners.

The 500/1 000km Challenge is a well-known competition to most mileage junkies on South African roads; run or walk a cumulative distance of 500km or 1 000km in official road races in one year (the Challenge starts one day after Comrades and runs right up to Comrades the following year), and when you hit your target, you qualify for a Challenge medal. Though the distance initially sounds quite daunting, most committed runners and walkers can easily clock up the kilometres by doing what they love on weekends; running or walking official races.

As with every competition, the 500/1 000km Challenge is known for its group of competitive and committed runners and walkers who, each and every year, try and log as many kilometres as is humanly possible. And in the process, things start becoming very secretive; competitors don’t share their planned races with each other, some travel to all corners of the country to find races and if it means doing three races on a weekend, what a bonus! Some more fortunate ones even hop on a plane to log more kilometres in races abroad. All the time they keep an eye on each other’s whereabouts. If they don’t see each other at races, many get worried because that might mean that the other person has found a longer race somewhere else.

Being a top contender in the Challenge takes a lot of planning, commitment and a fierce will to come out tops. And that is exactly what Brian did. He logged nearly four times the required distance (1 000km) and was 443.7km ahead of his closest competitor, runner, Stuart Wainwright. Brian was also way ahead of the second walker, Tony Green, who completed a credible 1 884.87km. Though runners and walkers log the same amount of kilometres when they compete in the same road races, it’s a whole different story at circuit races. Runners have the advantage of clocking more kilometres in the required time as they cover more ground.

“When you are a walker, you don’t have time to take a rest when walking a 100 miler. You have to keep on going. Sometimes it is hard for walkers to do long distance races as they don’t always make the cut off times. I have an advantage because I come from a long distance running background,” says Brian, who three years ago changed from running to walking because of back and knee problems.

Brian started running in 1985, though he lived a life of too many drinks and cigarettes. “I was an alcoholic and smoked way too much. I have a drunken driving charge against me and have written off a couple of cars while driving under the influence. I knew I had to stop, but I just never found a way,” says Brian. Every year, he watched Bruce Fordyce running Comrades and every time he swore to run the race.

“One day my wife Brenda said I would never do it. I wanted to prove something so I started running,” says Brian. He did not take things slowly. His first run was on 1 January 1985 and a couple of weeks later, he ran 15km at the Varsity Kudus race in Johannesburg. Not long afterwards, he finished the Johnson Crane Marathon in a time of 4:17. Brian admits to having a compulsive nature. “When I drank, I drank; when I smoked, I smoked and when I ran, I ran.”
He went ahead to run 14 Comrades; his slowest time was 11:27 and his fastest time was 9:26. But alcohol and cigarettes still played a role for most of his running career. He eventually gave up drinking on 15 November 1994. “I am not ashamed of people knowing that I was an alcoholic. I told everyone at work about it and everyone at my running club. There is no way I will ever drink again. I am now a stronger person.” But letting go of cigarettes was not easy. Brian smoked for the biggest part of his running career. “During one Comrades, I smoked 14 cigarettes. I used to light a cigarette at the bottom of each major hill. Believe it or not, there were so many runners asking me for a cigarette.” Today, he regrets abusing his body in this way, but says you can only let go of an addiction when you are really committed. “Only when my mind was right, did I let go.”

Brian eventually gave up smoking in 2000, because he wanted to run the Western States 100 mile race in the mountains of California in 2002. He knew he could never run it as a smoker. Though he didn’t finish the race because of flu, he was at least rid of a bad habit. In 2005, on his third try, he finished the race, an achievement he still sees as a highlight in his running career. But by the end of 2005, Brian’s running days were coming to an end. His last running race was in 2006 and he was forced to stop because of back and knee problems. “My back was so bad that it took me 20 minutes to get up after lying on the floor.” Giving up sport altogether was never an option and Brian took to walking, proudly and passionately sporting the big W on his running vest.

It has been three years since he started walking and as usual, he does nothing half heartedly. He has entered the Challenge a couple of times and made it his goal to win it this year. As a walker, it meant he had to go the extra mile to clock up more mileage than the front runners. Brian studied the racing calendar and picked races in provinces where he could accumulate the most mileage. This sometimes meant a lot of travelling; he would drive to a province on a Friday night, sleep in his car, run on the Saturday morning, drive to an afternoon race if he could find one, drive back to Johannesburg the same day and compete in a Sunday morning race. “I once did 240km in eight races in nine days,” says Brian. He has also done three 100 miler (160km) races in three months; the Washie 100 miler, the Cape Town 100 miler and the Ultimate 100 miler. And only a week after the last 100 miler, he walked another 100km at a 24 hour race in Mpumalanga, all the time keeping an eye on his closest competitors.

“At races, I always checked to see who was there. I tried to make it my mission to know who was doing how much mileage. But we kept secrets from each other. When someone asked me how much mileage I had logged, I conveniently forgot a couple of hundred kilometres,” says Brian. He walked Comrades this year but did not finish. “You have to walk 7.8min/km. It’s not easy. I got to the 73km mark and realised I would not make the cut off, but would finish in about 12:10. I decided to stop, especially because the athletes who don’t make the cut off, are not allowed into the stadium.”

Just before Comrades, he flew to New York to take part in a 5/10 day Circuit Race held from 22 April to 2 May in Flushing Meadows, Queens, but not before asking his closest competitor if he was also going to run the race. “If he was going, I would cancel my race because I knew I could not clock up more kilometres if he ran the race,” says Brian. He completed 701km in ten days on a one mile route, placing second in his age category (50-59). Walking the same circuit over and over again didn’t bother Brian. “I am a draftsman and do calculations all the time. From the moment I started walking, my mind calculated how far I had gone and at what pace.” Brian was elated when he won the 1 000km Challenge, but admits he was already looking for a new challenge by then. “It’s about the journey and not the destination. The most exciting part of it all is the preparation for the races.”

He admits he looked down on walkers when he was still running. “Runners sometimes disregard walkers. I also did it when I was a runner. I am so happy I won this challenge; I did it for the walkers out there.” He sometimes experiences animosity between runners and walkers at races, especially when walkers insist on starting the race right at the front. “When you speak to walkers, they all tell you they have just as much right to start in front as the runners. I agree, but then one should stand to the right and not start as a group. The ideal situation of course would be separate starts for walkers and runners.” One thing that gets Brian’s blood boiling is when walkers mix a bit of running with their walking. “It gives all walkers a bad name.” His future goal is to walk all the races that he ran as a runner. “I could never stop walking. Even if I end up a cripple, I will race in a wheelchair. You have to do something; otherwise you might as well lie down and die.”


 21 Feb   Bay Ultra (PE) 50km
 22 Feb Peninsula Marathon (Western Cape) 42.2.km
 25 Feb   Gino’s 10km Night Race (Western Cape) 10km
 26 Feb   Diaz Vasbyt (Day 1) (Mossel Bay) 40km
 27 Feb Diaz Vasbyt (Day 2) (Mossel Bay) 30km
 27 Feb   Infantry School Cango Caves 5km (Oudtshoorn) 5km
 28 Feb   Infantry School Cango Caves Marathon (Oudtshoorn)  42.2km
 1 Mar   Rand Road Warriors Half Marathon (Edenvale) 21.1km


 1 Brian Marshall  W 3 759.70
 2 Stuart Wainwright   R 3 316.00
 3 Marthie Brits     R 3 066.60
 4 Susan Hurter    R 2 877.80
 5 Neels Vermeulen   R 2 683.90
 6 Kosie Van Vuuren   R 2 453.40
 7 Abie Smit    R 2 417.60
 8 Keith Solomon   R 2 244.90
 9 Corrie Fourie    R 2 153.87
 10 Michelle Fookwe   R 2 078.00


Girl Power

Girl Power

Most runners’ daily runs take the same routes. Most races are the same year after year and sometimes, the predictability of a route leaves you wanting something else. I have been running consistently since my winter hibernation period after Comrades, yet I felt something was missing. I have never been a gym bunny, so I knew a high-tech gym with its huge, claustrophobic walls was not the place to find the missing puzzle piece in my training schedule. I was in desperate need of a dose of some other cross training motivation. So, when I got the opportunity to be part of a four-week Adventure Boot Camp, I jumped at the chance to do something different.

At first, the thought of an exercise Boot Camp conjured up images of army clad GI Janes crawling through muddy water, climbing over walls and swinging from ropes, all the time being watched by a mean man with a thin moustache barking orders. When my friend, Denise Fox, told me about the Adventure Boot Camp she was attending at the Rietvlei Farm in Alberton, south of Johannesburg, I immediately wanted to know if it was an army style environment. “No ways, but just know, you are going to work hard,” said Denise, a tough cookie who has done 12 Comrades and often runs, teaches spinning and does Boot Camp – all in one day.

On my first evening as a Boot Camper, I had no idea what to expect. To be brutally honest, I had second thoughts about my new cross training project when the group of about 40 women started warming up by walking twenty steps and jogging another twenty steps. “How is this ever going to make me tired?” I (then) arrogantly thought. I was about to eat humble pie. As the days progressed, the classes became more challenging with endless squats, sit-ups, push-ups and sprints. After only two sessions, my muscles were so sore I found it difficult to get out of bed for my morning runs. Not even a marathon left me with such soreness, but at the same time I felt a feeling of satisfaction knowing that I was building a stronger body; which would probably help my running. Needless to say, after the first week, I was a loyal Boot camper.

Boot Camp is not about exhaustion to the point of no return; it’s about strengthening your body, building lean muscle and using muscles you forgot you ever had – and never strengthen while running. After week one, my soreness disappeared and my body started adapting to the new exercises.

Boot Camp does not require elaborate equipment. It has the same benefits as a gym (if not more) but it is more sociable and motivational. For me, the best part of Boot Camp was the natural environment one uses to make exercises more challenging; imagine exercising with peacocks and ducks surrounding you and looking up at the leaves of the trees as you cool down. Fields, walls, hills and steps are all used while exercising. For me, it was so much better than a gym!

Our energetic instructor and camp leader, Jason Coetzee, who is qualified in personal training, was full of energy and a great motivation, though he only likes hearing one answer and that is: “Yebo!” Jason’s favourite saying is, “Imagine strutting your stuff in December on Camps Bay. You will thank me.” One thing he is very good at is distracting you so that you don’t always realise how hard you are working. What I enjoyed most was being outdoors and seeing women of all shapes and sizes and with different goals give it their all, often displaying a sense of humour only a Boot Camper can have after what feels like the 60th ab crunch.

Adventure Boot Camp was started in 2005 by Huenu Solsona. The four-week programme in a number of outdoor venues around the country, is a women-only thing and nothing like an army environment. It started with 30 enthusiastic women at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens in Cape Town and has grown to over 19 camps countrywide; all with a mission to create positive awareness in women both mentally and physically.

You can choose between three sessions or five sessions a week. You don’t need trendy gym clothes and you’re not out there to impress anyone. Each boot camp session starts and ends with stretching. The hour of exercise involves a bit of everything and the challenges are upped every week, with the aim of leaving you feeling stronger and fitter after four weeks. You can expect to do squats, lunges, stomach crunches, skipping, running, obstacle courses, weight training and a lot of something I call triceps torture. It’s all focused on women’s needs. Exercises are designed to firm your butt and thighs, flatten your stomach, reduce body fat and increase stamina. These exercises hit the spot! You will tie ropes around your ankles and later use them to do arm exercises; expect to do these until you groan. Words like the Spiderman Plank and the Bear Crawl will soon become part of your vocabulary.

A pre- and post-evaluation on the first and last Friday of Boot Camp is done to help you monitor your progress. On assessment day, you do a timed sprint of 1.2km and as many sit ups and push ups as you can master in one minute. Each and every Boot Camper exercises to her own ability. There are women who can only walk, those who can only jog and those who sprint, some who can’t do any sit ups and some who would give GI Jane a run for her money. One thing is for sure; nobody is left behind or asked to complete more than they are capable of, but no one will go home unchallenged either.

I need to confess, my competitiveness did get the better of me and many times I tried to outrun everyone. Yes, it is easy to cheat and not do some of the exercises while your camp leader looks the other way, but at the end of the day you are only cheating yourself.

You can expect a reduction in your body fat, some weight loss, improved posture, endurance improvement and an increase in strength. Just remember, none of these things will happen if you don’t adapt the rest of your lifestyle to a healthy one. Apart from this, Boot Camp is fun; you get to be outdoors and it’s motivating exercising in a group.

I thought Boot Camp was just for women who are not fit and who have never exercised. I thought I was fit and strong. How wrong I was.

The Bear Crawl!

MONTLY COST (different regions may differ in price)
Five Days: R650
Three Days: R530

I loved doing something where I could push the limits again. I feel stronger and faster on my morning runs. In the past month, I have taken one minute off my 5km racing time. As with all new things, the question remains: has my running improved mainly because of Boot Camp or is it rather a case of running more consistently and feeling positive? I don’t know, maybe it’s a mix of everything. But one thing is for sure, Boot Camp was the most fun I have had exercising in a long time. It’s about sisterhood and team work and a great place to make friends. Maybe the adrenalin and my firmer thighs are clouding my sense of logic, but I am already considering signing up for the next camp.

Adventure Boot Camp
(Cape Town head office):
021 671 1741

Boot Camp is a functional approach to fitness, says Jason Coetzee, personal trainer and Boot Camp leader at Rietvlei Farm. When you run, you are forced to hold your own body weight and at Boot Camp, you are using basic equipment and body weight during the work out. Because of this, the training is more specific to running. As runners, we tend to forget about the other components of fitness namely strength, conditioning and flexibility which are covered ex

Running Blind

Running Blind

“I am blind and my wife has cancer. You read about these things and think it will never happen to you.”

When you go out on your next run – be it an easy 5km or a tough marathon – try the following: close your eyes and hold on to your running buddy. Let him be your eyes. Most likely you will not last 500m with your eyes shut because none of us like the fear of the unknown. Now imagine hearing, but never seeing. Imagine running in a world where every pavement, every bump in the road and every water table has to be pointed out to you. It takes courage and determination. Modern Athlete spoke to Stefan Steyn from Polokwane, on running blind.

It was that time of day on the route of the Comrades Marathon; somewhere past the halfway mark and somewhere at the bottom of the umpteenth hill. Stefan Steyn and Guppy Wilkinson, his running guide and best friend, were ready to tackle a monster hill, as always tied by the arm and running side by side, only inches apart. “You are so lucky you can’t see the hills ahead. It must be much easier on you,” a fellow Comrades runner remarked as the two friends struggled up the hill. “I am blind. Not stupid!” Stefan said.

Comments like these are all part of a blind runner’s day on the road, says Stefan, a 46-year-old attorney who runs for Polokwane Athletic Club. He has always been partially sighted but his world became dark in 2000. This has certainly not kept him from living life to the fullest or doing the one thing he loves most, running. He has completed eight Comrades Marathons, loves to bungee jump and lives for his family and running mates. “Runners are amazing people. They can be so funny but some of them can also put their feet in their mouths.” The perfect example of this is the time Stefan’s running guide lost concentration for a second and allowed him to run straight into another runner. “Can’t you see where you’re running?” the woman shouted. “Actually, I can’t,” Stefan replied to the runner, who later realised Stefan was blind, turned back and profusely apologised.

“Attorneys can be very serious. That is why I love being out on the road, running amongst people who are always ready to crack a joke. I have heard some very entertaining comments such as, ‘Are you guys on a blind date?’ and ‘Who is leading who?’ When I run, I can just be myself without any pretence,” says Stefan. But there was a time when his blindness bothered him so much that he tried to hide it from friends, colleagues and to a certain extent, could not even admit it to himself.
Stefan suffers from Retinitis Pigmentosa, a genetic eye condition that leads to total blindness. He was born with this condition but for most of his school life, his parents thought his impaired vision was due to meningitis, which he had had as a child.
Stefan could see in front of him but battled with tunnel vision and night blindness. As a child, he knew something was wrong with his eyes, especially when participating in sport. He never played rugby because he couldn’t catch the ball when it was out of his field of vision. He never experienced the joy of participating in team sport. At the age of 12, his desire to be part of some kind of sport lead him to running and he started jogging for a couple of kilometres on his own every day.

For a while, Stefan attended a school for vision-impaired learners, but soon decided he could see better than the other kids and went back to a normal school. After school, he enrolled at the North-West University (the former Potchefstroom University). He jogged a bit, mainly with his older brother, Abel, who was born blind and also suffers from RP. “Abel held on to me while the two of us ran together. It was like the blind leading the blind. I could still see back then, but my vision was quickly deteriorating. We sometimes even rode on a tandem. If only my brother knew how little I could actually see!”

Stefan started working in Polokwane and none of his colleagues knew he was partially sighted. “I did not want to talk about it or tell anyone. A lot of people have told me they used to greet me back then and I never responded. Now they realise it was because I couldn’t see. Back then they thought I was just rude.” He continued running short distances and in 1995, he was so inspired watching the Comrades Marathon on TV that he put on his running shoes and ran 18km, silently promising himself that one day he too would be part of the Comrades.

In 1997, he underwent an eye operation but his eyes deteriorated even more in the months that followed. At this stage, he still managed to run on his own and completed a couple of races. In 1998, he ran his first marathon with a friend, Johan Moolman. “I was so tired but ecstatic when we finished in a time of 4:12.” Unfortunately for Stefan, running without a guide was soon a thing of the past. When he and Johan arrived at Om Die Dam Ultra Marathon in Hartbeespoort Dam, Stefan realised how bad his vision had become. “There were just too many people and I battled to see. I held on to Johan’s arm for the first 25km. At Saartjie’s Nek, I was finished and got into the bailer’s bus. The silence in that bus was deafening. When I got out, I looked for my wife; I was struggling to see anything. I walked up to people and asked for help but many thought I was either drunk or joking. Eventually my wife and I found each other. For a couple of weeks after that race, I did not want to know anything about running.”

However, the urge to do the one thing that made him feel free was overwhelming and Stefan was soon back on the road, this time with the help of another friend, Leon Visser. The two friends decided to tackle Comrades. “Leon is the one who invented the straps around our wrists with a string that looks like a shoelace tied to both straps. It works so well. We keep the lace, which is between 90 and 120cm long, tied to the wrist straps. Leon shortens the lace until our hands nearly touch. The longer you run with someone, the easier it is to read his body language. Trust is by far the most important thing between a blind runner and his guide. The biggest mistake people sometimes make is to grab a blind person by the hand and drag them along,” says Stefan. “I am comfortable with our system of guiding. Another option often used is where the blind guy holds on to the guide’s elbow.”

Though he has never tripped one of his guides, Stefan has often fallen himself. “I am very good at doing somersaults. Cat eyes in the road are the most dangerous and I have tripped over a couple of those.”

Stefan’s first Comrades in 1999 was not meant to be. At Botha’s Hill, he got into the bailer’s bus but while waiting for the bus, he vowed to return and conquer the distance. And he did. In 2000, Stefan and Leon finished in a time of 11:45. “I was so happy and exhausted. After the race, I kept on saying I would never do it again, but the next morning I found myself already talking about the next one.” The year 2000 was significant in many ways. Stefan realised he was becoming completely blind. “It was quite a mind shift to admit it. My eyes were so bad that I had to ask my staff to type documents in bold lettering. I even battled to read.” In this time, he also had to deal with the painful experience of his wife, Hanlie, being diagnosed with breast cancer. “The less I could see, the more I ran. It was my way of clearing my head of everything that was happening.” In 2002, Stefan and Leon improved their Comrades time to 10:36.

Stefan’s blindness does not keep him from experiencing the great atmosphere and excitement at a race such as Comrades. “I listen to the voices of encouragement and my guides are usually very vocal. When I ran with Leon, he described all the pretty girls to me. I have found the male guides I run with usually tell me about the girls while the female guides describe the beautiful scenery,” says Stefan. When Leon moved away, Stefan went on to complete two more Comrades with another friend, Dries Stoltz.

In 2006, he started running with Guppy, his guide of the last four years. Since their first run together, an unbreakable partnership has been formed. “Initially, it takes time to get used to a new guide. There are some guides I can run with and some I just can’t. It’s got nothing to do with length, it’s all in the stride and rhythm. The most important thing is you have to be good friends. Guppy and I are very close; make no mistake, we do have our moments when we disagree. We have to be in agreement as to how fast we are going to run and if we are racing or not. It’s not as if we can let go of each other halfway through the race.” They know each other inside out. “When I get tired, Guppy starts singing ‘We are the Champions’. That’s his polite way of saying we’d better speed up.”

Stefan and Guppy have different morning schedules. They train together three times a week, on weekend days as well as one weekday at the local time trial. On the other two training days, Stefan runs on a treadmill, something he has become used to but does not enjoy. “I run about 50km a week with Guppy and on the treadmill, but increase my distance as Comrades approaches. Right now, I am running an average of about 60km or 70km a week. I will build up to 110km in the months closer to Comrades,” says Stefan. He admits to getting frustrated when Guppy is sick or on holiday and can’t run with him. He then resorts to his treadmill and runs by holding on to the bars with one hand. “I am used to it. Believe it or not, but in seven years of treadmill running, I have not fallen once.”

Their dream of a Bill Rowan medal came true this year when they finished Comrades in 8:59:22. “I asked Guppy to tell me when we got to the 3km-to-go mark. He forgot! When I eventually asked if we were there yet, we were already at the 2km-to-go mark. That was a good feeling, but we had to move in the last kilometre. My wife was at the finish and it was such a special race!” A week before the race, Stefan had dedicated his 2009 Comrades to his wife. At that stage, there wasn’t a specific reason for it, says Stefan. Little did they know what was to follow a week after Comrades; Hanlie lost consciousness and was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. “Now I realise there was a reason for me running that race for my wife. We are trying to stay positive and see every day as a grace and a gift from God,” says Stefan.

Stefan has been her rock and has stood by her and supported her through her illness, says Hanlie. The Cancer Association of South Africa recently organised a fundraising night relay in Polokwane for cancer patients and in remembrance of everyone who has lost their lives to cancer. Stefan wore a special t-shirt with the words, ‘Stefan for Hanlie, in faith, hope and love’ and participated with all his colleagues. It was freezing cold and rained a bit yet Stefan and his running mate ran through the night. By 5:50 the next morning they had done 58km. “I could never ask for a better husband,” says Hanlie.

He tries to live as independently as possible. His guide dog, Ziba, goes with him everywhere. “Ziba must be one of the holiest dogs; he even goes to church with me.” Stefan believes in using all the new technology available to blind people. “I dislike pity and it makes me angry when people say, ‘oh shame.’ ” He finds his inspiration in his faith and through running, has raised money to buy bibles for primary school children in Polokwane. In 2007, he raised enough money to buy more than 600 books.

According to Stefan, he wants to get his green number in Comrades and if it happens that he runs another ten Comrades after that, so be it. He also dreams of tackling a 100 miler soon. “I run to clear my head and to get rid of stress. In running, there are no social boundaries and everyone accepts each other. If only we could project these positive feelings amongst all runners in society; this country would be a better place.”

Through everything, he tries to stay positive. “I am blind and my wife has cancer. You read about these things and think it will never happen to you. It’s only human to wonder why it has happened to us. But we are living in faith and making the best of every day. We can’t stop living.”

Though he loves being Stefan’s guide, guiding might not be for everyone, says Guppy. You have to be dedicated; when you don’t feel like running you still have to because you need to consider the other person. You also have to be the type of person who likes to help other people.

Being a guide is not as difficult as it sounds. The most difficult part is motivating the other person when they become tired. Taking drinks from water tables is also no walk in the park. “Stefan runs on my right and most water tables are also to the right side. Sometimes people at water tables don’t look at Stefan and can’t understand why he is not taking water from them. I have to try and lean over and get drinks for both of us.”

Guppy initially started running with Stefan to help him out on a couple of runs, but they immediately got along so well that they are inseparable today. “If Stefan doesn’t run because he is sick, I usually also don’t feel like running. Sometimes I run on my own. It is nice because you can run to your own rhythm, but Stefan and I are lucky; we are equally strong.” Stefan is the most inspirational man he has ever met. “You will never hear Stefan utter negative things. He and his family have been through so much, yet he never complains. His faith is very important to him and has carried him through some hard times. Stefan is a true inspiration to me.”

A blind runner may choose to use an elbow lead, a tether or to run free and receive verbal instruction from the guide. Commonly, the blind runner is tethered to the guide runner, the tether tied loosely around the wrists or else knotted and held between the fingers in each runner’s hand. The ‘rules’ are that the tether should be non-stretch material of a specific length, and that the guide runner, if racing, should never cross the finish line before the blind runner, and should also never be seen to drag or propel the blind runner along.

A guide runner must be faster or have the potential to be faster than the blind athlete. For this reason, many top blind sportswomen have male guide runners, as they usually have greater ability to run fast enough for elite level competition.

It helps if a guide runner is a similar height to the blind runner, as it is easier to match the stride pattern. Technique isn’t as important as the stride pattern and ability to keep pace.


A number of blind runners have participated in the Comrades Marathon (the following are stats of runners that the Comrades Marathon Association are aware of).

  • Johnny Demas (in 2003 Johnny was awarded the Spirit of Comrades award. He has completed 21 Comrades)
  • Renette Bloem (1)
  • Louis Potgieter (13)
  • Chris Stander (18)
  • Christo Botha (8)
  • Derek Carter (3)
  • Jean-Claude Perronnet (1)
  • Charlie Mcconnell (1)
  • Carl de Campos (1)

Additional sources: www.disaboom.com

Timeless Warriors

Timeless Warriors

Together they have run nearly 350 marathons and 48 Comrades. One of them was part of a group of only 12 runners on the starting line of the very first Jackie Gibson Marathon in 1946. The other has logged nearly 90 000km in his 33 years of running. Amazingly, both of them are still running today. Allan Ferguson (88) and Des Robins (80) are two of the most well-known ‘mature’ runners on our roads.

I was fortunate enough to meet these two gentlemen. They are absolute characters in the true sense. Both were dressed to the nines for our meeting, Mr Fergie in his smart black blazer and Des in his favourite Comrades Green Number Club golf shirt. Listening to them speak about running makes you want to put your running shoes on and not only run but excel at it. Their passion for running and life is admirable.

They joined Modern Athlete for a trip down memory lane.

The little black book in his hands initially looks like any other notebook, but when Mr Fergie, as he is affectionately known by his friends and family, opens the book, a mind blowing history of running unfolds. He has logged each and every race he has ever run since the very first one more than sixty years ago. When he starts chatting about all the different races, it’s hard to keep up. His list includes, 50 Jackie Gibson Marathons, 32 Springs Striders (32km), 40 Milo Korkie Ultras (56km) and 60 Naval Hill 10km races, to name a few. The Naval Hill race has even been named after Mr Fergie; it is now officially called the Coca-Cola Allan Ferguson Round Naval Hill 4/10km. About 40 runners from Johannesburg Harriers Athletics Club (JHAC), of which Mr Fergie has been part all his life, recently ran with him when he completed his 60th consecutive Naval Hill race in Bloemfontein.

Mr Fergie has been running since his 20s and after his retirement, he travelled for a couple of months all over South Africa, running all the races he always wanted to. He has run 36 Comrades and in 1995, at the age of 73, he was the oldest competitor to finish the race that day in a time of 10:16, something a whole lot of 30-year-olds battle to do.

Mr Fergie’s contemporary, Des, is just as passionate about running and still plans to run the Comrades next year at the age of 80. If he succeeds, he will become the oldest competitor ever to finish this gruelling race. In 1989, at the age of 79, Wally Hayward finished the Comrades in a time of 10:58.

Des has an impressive resum? of his own. Though the logbook with all the races he has run was stolen from his car a while ago, he still remembers clearly what he has achieved. He has run a total of 89 ultras. The races that stand out include, City to City Marathon (28 runs), Two Oceans 56km (11 runs), RAC Tough One (26 runs) and Springs Striders (27 runs). Together, these two men are living legends; young at heart and still just as much in love with running today as all those years ago. 

Mr Fergie:
I played rugby in the former Rhodesia. When we came to South Africa, I wanted to continue but the rugby players here were so big. I thought, “Bugger this Ferguson. They will kill you.” Then I met Arthur Hampton, a bloke I worked with. He introduced me to running. 
Des: I have been running for 33 years, I only started at the late age of 47, because all my life I mainly played tennis and golf. My son, Corrie, wanted to run a race called the TV Race and asked me to join him. When we got to the race, I met up with some old friends. In the months that followed, we started running together. They eventually stopped and I just carried on.

Mr Fergie:
The JHAC hosted the first Jackie Gibson Marathon in 1946. It was the first marathon after the war. We were 18 runners on the starting line and I came sixth in a time of 2:59. Wally Hayward won the race that day.
Des: The TV race I ran with my son was held in 1977 and it was broadcast on TV; many people ran it just for that reason. The route was three laps of 8km.

Mr Fergie: Before the start of the race, all the athletes gathered in a small room. The announcer called the names of the competitors one by one. You then ran past spectators down stairs to the start. We were about 20 competitors then. This year, there were more than 300 runners and after the run, I got a clock and a pen from the organisers.

Mr Fergie:
When you arrived at Comrades, you looked for your name and number on a huge board. You ticked it off and that was registration done! You were ready to run. There were no such a thing as exhibitions and goodie bags. And don’t think there were any water tables on the route. You drank water where you could find some, be it a garden or at a shop. Some competitors were lucky enough to have seconds helping them, but that did not always work well. I remember running up Inchanga when I saw my second for the first time in the whole race. He was riding on his scooter calling out, “Hey Fergie, I’m here!” And all I could say was, “Where the bloody hell have you been? I am 50km into the race and now you want to give me water!”
Des: Cars always got stuck behind each other because of seconding. The last time seconds were allowed was in 1980. I remember: a lot of competitors stopped halfway into the Comrades and had a big meal before carrying on running. In the old days, there were no physiotherapy stations like now. I think it was much harder to run Comrades then than now.

Mr Fergie and Des:
Mr Fergie: For 27 years, I ran in Bata takkies. I even remember one guy running the Comrades in rugby boots.

Mr Fergie: Wally Hayward of course. I came second to Wally so many times. That man was built like a bronze god. Those bloody calves of his were enormous. I would run behind this guy and think ‘how does one compete against someone like this?’ Then there was a guy called Johan Coleman, an Afrikaans guy. My friend Arthur Hampton always told me how Johan was sitting next to the road buggered, but as soon as he saw Arthur passing, he would get up and suddenly start sprinting.

Mr Fergie: I worked in Germiston and ran to work and back every day; it was about 20km. Later, I increased my distance. One of my longest training runs was a 60km run all the way to Vereeniging and back. I started the run with a bottle full of coke and ran all the way on my own. As I went along, I filled up my bottle with water from gardens and garages. The year (1973) I increased my distance, I ran my best Comrades (6:57). I believed in doing a lot of distance, so did Wally. He told me that on a Sunday he would start running at four in the morning and only finish at four in the afternoon.
Des: In those days, there weren’t specialised training methods and runners had to work a lot harder.

Mr Fergie: Comrades was never about the numbers. It was just another race. I remember one Comrades with only about 30 runners. In those days, the first six runners got a gold   medal. I have three gold medals; in 1948, I came sixth, in 1949, I came third and in 1952, I was fourth (He also has 12 silver and 21 bronze Comrades medals).
Des: It was a couple of rands to enter races and at the finish we got cloth badges. There was no prize money. Medals only came along in the early 80s. I used to sew all my badges onto a tracksuit but it got lost and I started collecting and framing them. Today, they are all displayed on a big wall in my house (Des has 12 Comrades bronze medals).

Mr Fergie:
Jock of the Bushveld (in Mpumalanga) was one of the nicest runs. It was the poor man’s Two Oceans.
Des: The old Milo Korkie (from Pretoria to Johannesburg) was definitely the hardest run. It was 56km and there was a six hour cut off.

Mr Fergie:
I ran the Comrades Marathon with my two sons, Graham (56) and Derek (54). My two grandsons, Allan Ziervogel and Gavin Yves, also ran with me on two separate occasions (In 1993, Mr Fergie ran with his grandson, Gavin and his son Derek. They finished in a time of 9:23. He also ran the race with Graham, Derek and his grandson, Allan. The Ferguson family created history. It was the first time three generations had run the Comrades together. He and his two sons have a massive total of 84 Comrades medals. Derek has 22 Comrades medals and Graham has 26 medals. It would be interesting to see if there is another family out there where all are still alive and have accumulated as many medals). 
Des: Running my tenth Comrades with my son was special. I am also proud of my best Comrades time of 9:36.

Mr Fergie:
I ran a sub-three hour marathon when I was already over 60!
Des: My best time for a marathon, which is 3:23.

Mr Fergie:
My wife, Marion, passed away in 1999, but she was always there. I don’t know if I could have run so much if it wasn’t for her. These days, my sons take me to races with them.
Des: My wife, Shirley, has supported me all my life, through rain and shine. She used to go with me to every race, but because she battles with problem feet now, she can’t always make it these days. Running is a very healthy sport. Your family always knows where you are. It’s not like golf where you stay long after the last hole! You run from five to six in the morning and you’re done. Running is much healthier than golf.

Mr Fergie:
I run at least 5km every day. Sometimes I build up to 10km, depending on which races are coming up. I stay in an old age home and run on the grounds. I run a figure of eight route which is 1.2km long. I repeat it four times (Mr Fergie organised a race at the old age home a while ago and about 120 people took part; some were even pushed around the course in their wheelchairs! At the start of the race, Chariots of Fire played and there was even a little Polly’s Shorts on the route. He has also started a gym at the home and tries to do all his exercise on the grounds, mainly because it is safer. He got robbed about four years ago. Robbers pushed him down and stole his shoes while he was out running).
Des: I exercise every morning for half an hour. I do sit ups, push ups and exercises with light weights. On Thursday evenings, I run my club’s (Fit 2000) 4km time trial in Bedfordview and on weekends, I run 10km and 21km races in Pretoria and Johannesburg. If I want to run Comrades next year, I will soon have to start increasing my mileage!
(Both men say they have never had serious injuries, but these days they battle with breathing when running. It takes them a while before they manage to control their breathing).

Mr Fergie: I only have a cup of coffee before a race and generally I try to eat healthy. I don’t drink alcohol. I used to drink a lot of beer in my day but ten years ago I said, “No more liquor for you old man. It’s not doing you any good.”
Des: I have a bowl of cereal before I run and try to stay away from junk food the other times. Every night I still enjoy my coke and whiskey.

Mr Fergie: Build up slowly and get your mind used to distance. Don’t overdo it.
Des: The biggest mistake new runners make is trying to run every race faster than the previous one; when it doesn’t happen, they are disappointed. You have to know yourself and your abilities.

We decided to get Mr Fergie and Des together to do the one thing they love most – run! And so it happened. On a cool September morning, they met at the Clearwater Florida Flat One Race in Roodepoort on the West Rand. It was apparent how much these two men are loved on the road. On the way to the starting line of the 5km, Des was stopped by the ladies and got a big hug and kiss while Mr Fergie was recognised and greeted by more people than I can even remember. When the gun went off, they were on their way, passing a lot of people half their age. After the race, Des even told how he helped a lady push a pram up the hill! Fergie was very impressed with their time, 42 minutes! “I wanted to run 45 minutes but this old bugger pushed me,” he said. After the race, Mr Fergie sat down on the grass in the sun, patiently waiting for his two sons to finish the 10km and 21km races. Des was off to a coffee shop to socialise with friends, one of the perks of
running, he says.



Isn’t it great how remarkable and timeless our sport can be? Here are two gents who are the essence of Modern Athletes and they are in their 80s. I am sure all our readers will join me in saluting you for your achievements and we hope that we can stay on the road as long as you have. Well done gents, keep on running!

Rand Athletic Club

Rand Athletic Club

Rand Athletic Club (RAC) is the biggest and one of the oldest clubs in the country with a membership of close to 1 500 runners and walkers. It is a club known for its rich running tradition and its huge attendance at time trial evenings; about 500 runners gather at the clubhouse every Tuesday evening to partake in the TT. Over the years, many well-known faces and talented runners have been part of this club, which started way back in 1972.  

Three friends, Caspar Greeff, Ray Alborough and Fritz Madel, who all lived in Northcliff, Johannesburg, and ran together, founded RAC in 1972. Madel took the role of the club’s first chairman. In February 1973, the club constitution and colours were accepted and subscriptions were set at a mere R4 per year, with running licences costing just R1.50. Initially, the young club battled to take off but after some hard work from the club secretary, Tiaan van der Walt, and later Gavin Reynolds, matters improved and membership slowly started increasing. Little did they know at the time, that they would be creating a club that would become a constitution on our running roads in decades to come. Six RAC members completed the 1973 Comrades; at that stage the club had 37 members. At a meeting in February 1974, it was agreed that women could join the club ‘with rights equal to those of men.’ Pam Potter was the first female member, joining eight months later in November 1974. The club policy, which was set out at a meeting in December 1974, is still followed today: “To always be there for all runners and not concentrate on a few of the best athletes.”

Modern Athlete chatted to Dick Welch, current RAC chairman who joined the club in 1975 after he was transferred to Johannesburg from Mpumalanga. By then, there were about 60 members who formed different groups, running from different places. “Initially there was no clubhouse and the runners started their morning training runs from a lamppost in Northcliff. We got up to all kinds of mischief on the runs in those days. I will never forget the time each one of us got a turn to lead the run. If it was your turn, you could decide when to turn. At one stage everyone just kept on turning right. We must have gone around the same block about 25 times! Eventually someone turned left,” chuckled Dick.

He remembers runs where Fritz, one of the founding members, took a group of runners on a 16km route in Northcliff. One day, some of the guys measured it and found it was only 15km. “Fritz was mortified. His logbook had to be changed and he insisted the measuring wheel was wrong. These are the spirited guys who started the club and ran in those days. We had a lot of fun and giggles. We used to pick up members along the way. That’s how the club grew.” 

The club’s first race was on 3 February 1974, a 20km event that attracted 139 starters of which 137 runners finished. This was described as a ‘tough race’ by most entrants. The following year, in 1975, the club race was lengthened to 32km and the RAC Tough One was born with the start and finish at the Randburg Sports Complex. 15 red flags were required for the marshals and the winner received a cup and a gift voucher for R20.

The Tough One became a must-do event on the running calendar and from 1992 to 1994, it won the Race of the Year Trophy. In 1997, a 5km race was introduced to go with the 32km to accommodate shorter distance fun runners. The race now attracts fields in excess of 3 000 runners and one of the traditions created is the presentation of a special clock to all runners who have completed 20 Tough Ones. All we can say is that it is a very well-earned timepiece.

RAC now also host a 10km race in June. The race, which traditionally was run just before Comrades, recently changed to a later date. “Our numbers are pretty much the same. We get a lot of walkers but fewer Comrades guys,” says Dick. This RAC 10km race started by accident 20 years ago. The Sunday Times and Rotary Club sponsored a race, the Rotary Jog Day, but pulled out just before the event. When Dick heard about it, he volunteered to tell club members their usual club long run would start at Zoo Lake on that specific Sunday, and not at the club. “About 500 people pitched up. That was 20 years ago and ever since we have hosted the RAC 10km.”

Dick plans to organise a Gold Rush race next year, just as he did 20 years ago. “Barclays Bank donated ten Kruger Rands back in those days. We buried them and runners each got a prospect flag. They dashed 6km to the spruit and had to plant their flag in the ground. Runners with flags placed closest to the Kruger Rands won them. I would love to organise something similar next year.”

Initially, the facilities at the Randburg Sports Complex were used but as membership grew, the clubhouse got too small, especially on time trial evenings which had peaked at attendance of about 1 000 runners. In 1982, RAC moved to Old Parktonian Sports Club in Johannesburg and the clubhouse has been there ever since.

In December 1976, the Korhaan was accepted as the club emblem and by 1978, membership had grown to 333 members. Subscriptions were increased to R5 and Dick was appointed as chairman, a position he has held for the last 31 years. “A lot of people say I am like Robert Mugabe! They just can’t get rid of me,” laughs Dick.

Time trials are held every Tuesday evening at 17:45 in summer and winter. Average attendance these days is about 500 runners. There are many non-RAC members who are welcome and they often have young university graduates who have moved to the area or people from the neighbourhood who want to stay active, says Dick. Runners can choose between a 5km and 8km route and walkers can walk a 4km or 7km route. Sensibly, walkers start 1km ahead to avoid congestion.

The RAC time trial is a hilly route and 20 to 30 seconds slower than most other time trials. For years, it has been known for its competitiveness and older members like Bruce Fordyce often battled it out with guys like Mark Plaatjes.

Mark still holds the record of about 24 minutes.

The consistency of the weekly time trials has also helped to recruit a lot of new members. “Just the other night, one of the guys that has not run the route for a long time remarked how nothing has changed. People know where to find us and when we run.” After time trials, runners usually get together for a light meal and a few drinks which brings a nice social element to the club.

Sundays are reserved for long runs and always have been. In earlier days, Dick’s wife, Vreni, used to second runners. “One day she ended up with six bailers and three kids in the car and we knew it was time to get more people to help. We got more wives to second but then we made a fatal error, allowing the wives to run, and so we lost our seconds!” he laughs.

Today, RAC has seven set routes of about 25km run in rotation on Sundays. Runs starts at 6am in summer and 7am in winter. In the months leading up to Comrades, roughly 200 runners join the longer run. Currently, about 140 are running. “In winter, it dwindles down to only about 15, because after Comrades everyone is licking their wounds, taking it easy and bonding with families.”

Weekday training consists of different size and pace groups getting together at different places. “Most members join in a group close to their homes. Some run from Bryanston, Paulshof, Fourways or Craighall Park,” says Dick. He does not agree with the mindset that a big club is impersonal. “People will always pair up; be it a big or a small club. Our members are always there to help with entries and manning water tables when necessary.”

Every year before Comrades, RAC hosts a traditional 60km long run which attracts runners from different clubs. It is known for its good organisation and well planned refreshment stops. This year about 700 people ran.

In 1983, RAC membership exceeded 1 000 for the first time. Ten years later, in 1993, RAC celebrated its 21st birthday and membership stood at 3 074. The year 2000 saw another surge in membership with the Comrades cut off being extended to 12 hours. Many old runners reappeared and RAC recorded the largest Comrades entry: 823 (648 finishers). Today, the numbers have dwindled to about 1 500 members, says Dick, mainly due to about 11 new running clubs that were started up in a radius of 10km from RAC and a fair amount of members immigrating.

RAC members make up about 20% of the field at most road races. “My son has done some research on the running times of 35-year-olds compared to those of 40-year-olds. The older group outclassed the younger one and this can be put down to 40-year-olds having more time to train. At 40, you are often at a stage where you are on top of your career and the kids are no longer crying babies so you can make the early mornings.”

He stresses the importance of club structures. “I sometimes refer to the gym culture amongst runners; you pay your money, you do your thing and you only squeal when something is wrong. Otherwise nobody knows you. That is wrong. It is important for people to get involved in their clubs. The club structure provides input and keeps things together,” says Dick, who tries to meet at least one new person every time he goes running. “Folks on the road all have some kind of story to tell and they are all specifically different.”

The now familiar club colours are white vests and white/maroon shorts. The white shorts were a bone of contention for female runners in the early days and in 2001, women changed to maroon shorts.

Dick’s wife, Vreni, is synonymous with RAC. In 2001, she was awarded the Spirit of Comrades Trophy; the first non-runner to achieve this honour. Her passion for sport comes from her days as one of the country’s top tennis players in the early 60s. She also played provincial hockey and netball. Vreni used to run but after an injury and a case of blood poisoning, she decided to give up running. She kept her passion alive by initially helping at water tables and, in 1979, was elected as club secretary.

She has been club secretary for the past 28 years and has put her heart and soul into it. She is a well-known face at the timekeeping tables and she and Dick are also part of a team supplying the SABC with information from different parts of the Comrades route. As if this is not enough, she also organises overseas running trips for runners, booking seats, finding hotels and filling out entries for international races. She has just returned from Berlin where she accompanied a group of runners competing in the Berlin Marathon.

Bruce Fordyce was one of the more well-known RAC runners. He initially ran in the colours of Wits University before joining RAC, and though he won Comrades as a Wits runner, he was never part of a team winning the Gunga-Din Trophy. Bruce was an RAC member on and off for about ten years. He now runs for the recently formed Nedbank Running Club. “We often tease him and say when his bank balance drops below six figures, he will come back to RAC,” says Dick.

Sonja Laxton joined RAC in 1985 and is still a member today. In 1987, she did her club proud by being awarded triple Springbok colours in track, cross country and road running. At the world Half Marathon Championships in 1992, Sonja set a new world veteran record. Today, she still wins many races in her age category and is often a top contender in the Spar Ladies Race series.

With so many members over the years, the club has made many notable achievements; here are just a few:

Norma De Beer completed the 1977 Comrades and became the first RAC lady to run the event.

In 1979, Hosiah Tjale won the Checkers Marathon and in 1980, went ahead to win the first RAC Gold medal at Comrades, as well as winning the Two Oceans Ultra Marathon.

In 1982, Helga van Werweskerken broke the SA 1 000m track record.

Bob De La Motte, Tony Dearling, Trevor Metcalfe and Allan Day won the Gunga-Din team trophy (for Comrades) in 1984.

In 1985, Ephraim Sibisi won the Two Oceans.

In 1989, Fritz (founding member) ran his 30th Comrades.

Titus Mamabolo ran a 2:19 marathon at the age of 50 in 1991, and was awarded Springbok colours.

In 1992, Israel Morake won the Two Oceans Marathon.

Ina Sanders won gold at the 1998 Comrades and a year later, she won the ladies section at the London to Brighton Marathon.

A traditional Comrades Aches and Pains party is held every year at Dick and Vreni’s house in Craighall Park. “Usually, everyone whose surname starts with A-N brings salads and N-Z brings desserts,” says Dick. The club hosts a breakfast for members after specific races and every year on New Years morning, between 300 and 400 people get together to run a 12km/15km route from the RAC clubhouse.

“Our founding members were good athletes as well as nice people. This has, in turn, attracted nice people to the club and I believe that this is RAC’s greatest asset. A club will always flourish if it has the magic of a couple of hundred like-minded people as members. One has only to visit the club on Tuesday evenings and be part of the social after the time trial to know this is true.”

Modern Athlete would like to take time to salute RAC. The club is a true institution and another example of the great running fraternities that we have in our country. It is great to have so many passionate people prepared to contribute to creating solid club structure and great running environments for all to enjoy.

Keep it up RAC, we look forward to your next 37 years.

011 442 8256

Gender Verification In Sport

Gender Verification In Sport

The subject of gender testing in sport is currently a hot topic and Modern Athlete asked an expert, Sports Physician Dr Gavin Shang, to give us some insight on the topic.

Caster Semenya is South Africa’s newest athletic sensation, having won gold in the 800m at the recent IAAF World Athletic Championships in Berlin. However, her remarkable achievements on the track have been overshadowed by questions surrounding her gender and possible physiological advantages she may have over her competitors. Many ‘informed’ politicians have advocated that she is indeed female and that a simple check for the ‘necessary parts’ would verify such statements. However, this is not as simple as it seems.

The questions and speculation from rival athletic bodies and competitors have only been fuelled by a released report, stating that her urine testosterone: epi-testosterone level was three times higher than normal for a female athlete. This is only one piece of information that may or may not be relevant once her entire case has been reviewed. Levels higher than 4:1 raise suspicion and further testing is then conducted.

The complex and in-depth analysis and evaluation process of gender verification or determination in sport requires a multidisciplinary approach involving geneticists, internal medicine specialists, gynaecologists, psychologists and endocrinologists; and even when a thorough investigation is complete, the answer is sometimes still in doubt.

This is not a new issue to the sporting community and has been brought up in the past when the eligibility of an athlete competing in an event, limited to a single gender, is questioned. This is usually only made relevant during elite international competitions. History shows us a number of occasions where male athletes have competed as females to win, or where natural inter-sex individuals have competed as females:

  • German high jumper, Dora Ratjen, placed fourth at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin and set a world record at the 1938 European Championships. She was actually a man, Hermann Ratjen, who was forced by the Nazis to disguise his gender.
  • Polish 100m sprinter, Stanislawa Walasiewicz, won gold at the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles, but was runner up at the 1936 Olympics. She accused the American winner, Helen Stephens, of being male. Subsequent autopsies in the 1980s revealed that both athletes had ambiguous genitalia.
  • Czechoslovakian athlete, Zdenka Koubkova and British athlete, Mary Edith Louise Weston, excelled in various events in the 1930s, but were both suspected of being male, although this was not proved. Both later had operations to change their gender.
  • USSR athlete sisters, Tamara and Irina Press, won five Olympic track and field golds and set 26 world records in the 1960s. However, they never competed again after they failed to appear for gender testing in 1966.
  • Polish sprinter, Ewa Klobukowska helped win gold in the 4x100m relay and won bronze in the 100m at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. In 1967, she became the first athlete to fail a gender test due to a rare XXY chromosomal condition. This did not give her any physiological advantage, but she was still banned from further international competition.
  • Eight athletes initially failed the gender verification tests at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta; seven of the eight were attributed to Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). The condition does not make the individual sensitive to the effects of testosterone. They were all subsequently cleared and reinstated.
  • Indian 800m silver medalist, Santhi Soundarajan, at the 2006 Asian Games in Doha, failed a gender verification test and was stripped of her medal.

Gender verification in sports was requested shortly after the 1936 Olympics, following performances by some questionable individuals. However, ‘proper’ tests only began in 1966 at the European Athletic Championships where many Eastern European and Soviet female athletes were suspected of being male. The tests were only mandatory for females and involved improper nude parades for assessment of their external characteristics. However, many conditions exist that allow for ambiguous genitalia to be present and is thus not the easy answer for determining the gender of a suspected athlete.

The next logical step would be chromosomal testing, which conventionally reveals an XX female or an XY male. However, many problems can arise during the many stages of foetal development, which can allow for a myriad of conditions to occur due to chromosomal, gonadal or hormonal influences. These varied intersex conditions present with the genetic sex differing from the external appearance of the individual and with varying physiological functions. Thus, XX males and XY females can exist with ambiguous external genitalia, which makes their classification as male or female more difficult.

Hormonally, testosterone is 10 to 20 times more abundant in males than in females; and is naturally produced by both the male testes and the female ovaries as well as by the adrenal glands.

The androgenic effects account for the primary and secondary sex characteristics in males. In females, testosterone effects are subtle and are responsible for musculo-skeletal development and libido. It is suggested in the literature that testosterone is important for memory, attention and spatial ability.

Illegal doping continues in sport, and athletes and laboratories go to exceptional lengths in attempts to conceal such abuse from regulatory bodies. The anabolic effects account for the lower body fat mass, increased muscle mass and strength and increased bone density, which allows those athletes to have a physiological advantage over their competitors. Excessive prolonged use can have masculinizing effects of facial hair growth, decreased breast size, menstrual irregularities, male pattern baldness and a deepened voice. One famous athlete who used testosterone for doping purposes and developed male characteristics was Heidi Kriegler, who later became Andreas Kriegler after retirement.

In 1996, Mary Decker-Slaney, world champion long-distance runner in the early 80s (infamously involved in a collision with South Africa’s Zola Budd at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles), had a urine testosterone:epi-testosterone level that was much higher than the 6:1 ratio allowed by the IAAF. She argued that females in their 30s and 40s on birth control medication could have higher than normal levels. The case eventually went to arbitration and still remains controversial.

Raised levels of testosterone can thus be due to many sources both exogenous and endogenous. Levels can vary widely amongst individuals and a higher than normal level does not always equate to a failed drug test. This makes possible infractions difficult to detect. If an athlete has raised levels, that individual is monitored at regular intervals to establish their normal levels and these are used as a marker for any future suspicious elevations.

Raised levels can be caused by doping or a number of disorders:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • adrenal gland disorders;
  • polycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • testosterone producing neoplasms;
  • medication;
  • enzyme deficiency disorders (5-alpha reductase deficiency);
  • AIS amongst others. The IAAF allows athletes with AIS to participate as females, despite their being genetically male, highlighting how simple genetic analysis alone does not suffice.

The process of gender testing has many variables and unfortunately in high profile cases, is played out in front of a world audience. It has been termed socially insensitive, humiliating and discriminatory towards females and individuals with disorders of sexual development. The far-reaching psychological consequences and social stigma for those who fail such tests are other issues all on their own. These are not new concerns; and much scrutiny and debate led to the IAAF ceasing compulsory gender testing on athletes in 1992, but it retained the option of assessing gender should suspicions arise or if challenged.

In 1996, IOC World Conference of Women and Health passed a resolution to discontinue the process of gender verification during the Olympics, and the IOC officially ended compulsory gender testing in 1999.

In the end there are no winners in this difficult matter, not to the sport or to the competitors and most importantly not to the individual at the centre of it all. Gender testing has a place in the sporting world to ensure fair competition for the athletes, but it should be handled more sensitively than it has been. All we can do is wait for the complicated process to be completed and for all the variables to be considered before jumping to conclusions.


Irene Road Running Club

Irene Road Running Club

Irene Road Running Club (IRRC) is one of the most prominent running clubs in Gauteng North and is known for their eye catching logo ‘Serious about our r(f)un.’ And though it is represented by some talented athletes, it is their incredible team spirit and strong belief in making running fun that has made IRRC the successful and popular club it is today.

It all started with a group of employees from the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) in Irene. This group used to get together and run for fun, until they decided, “Hey, we might as well start a running club.” The nearest running club to the ARC was Alpha Centurion Runners in Clubview and because of all the new building developments in Irene, the group thought a closer running club would be ideal. Shortly afterwards, on 1 February 1994, Irene Road Running Club was officially affiliated to Athletics Gauteng North (AGN).

Initially, there was no clubhouse or any facilities for runners. “We started our time trial under a tree. There was nothing, only beautiful peaceful roads to run on within the ARC,” says Wynand Breytenbach, general manager of IRRC. In 1998, the ARC donated an old building that had originally housed pigs, to the club. “We turned it into our existing clubhouse,” says Wynand. Today the clubhouse is a social hub after time trials on Tuesday evenings.

The club started small. During the first year of its existence, 60 members joined. Six years later, in 2000, the club’s membership reached more than 400. By then, it was the largest club in the province and one of the few clubs in the country that consisted of more than 300 members. Today, it is still the only club in the province with more than 400 members and this year, membership has reached close to 730, making it the second largest club in the country, according to Wynand.
Initially a little tree, symbolising the trees in the grounds of the ARC, was used as the club’s logo. A couple of years later, club members decided to emphasise their strong feelings towards fun and extended the club’s logo to ‘Serious about our r(f)un’. “That is what we are all about – fun,” says Wynand.

The club’s main focus is on the recreational runner and walker as club members believe there are enough organisations that support professional athletes. IRRC chooses to provide opportunities for everyone who has the desire to run or walk. The club aims to make everyone feel like a champion in his or her own right. “Our club is what members make of it.” The members’ commitment to the club is portrayed in the number of chairmen the club has had since its start. Since 1994, there have only been three chairmen, with Pieter Olivier serving as the present chairman.

The clubhouse is built on the grounds of the ARC Irene Campus in a very sought after farm environment. The biggest advantage is the safe training routes with a minimum of traffic and a variety of flat, hilly and cross country courses. All members have access to the campus at all times. Another benefit of the campus is that it is large enough to host road races without the need to use public roads. There are complete start and finish venues with safe parking for 7 000 vehicles.

The club facilities include a bar that is open after time trials and a shop where members can buy club colours and running shoes. A special club social, with a different theme, is held every first Tuesday of each month. Light meals are sold and lucky draw prizes are given away.
The club offers organised training sessions throughout the week. An official training school is hosted at the ARC and it is managed by a personal trainer. All training programmes are freely available to club members while members of other clubs are welcome to join the training programmes at a monthly fee. Training programmes, held from Mondays to Sundays, cater for all, from the long distance Comrades runner to runners wanting to specialise in shorter distances. Depending on the time of the year, up to 60 runners show up for daily training runs. A number of members focus on triathlons, duathlons and adventure races while most juniors enjoy the cross country season.

The club entered a record number of 228 runners for Comrades in 2005, placing them second of 975 clubs in terms of numbers. This year, 166 IRRC runners entered Comrades, making Irene the third biggest club at Comrades. Over 85% of the Irene entrants finished the 2009 race, while three got silver medals and over 12 runners earned Bill Rowan medals, says Wynand. Another 150 club members go along to Comrades every year and enjoy the race from the comfort of the two support stations along the route as well as at the finish area.

The club makes sure that each and every Comrades runner is looked after and pampered before the big race. Comrades runners get goodie bags stacked with expensive products such as socks, supplements and a rucksack.

The club prides itself on having already won a Comrades gold medal, despite the fact that its focus is on recreational and not professional runners. Ann Chester won gold for the club at Comrades in 1998 and in 2005, Heleen Joubert finished as the 13th lady overall.

The club has one of the biggest walking sections with nearly 80 walkers following specialised training programmes. Assistance or training is given to them by other experienced walkers and outside coaches. The club has some exceptional walkers such as Gerard van den Raad, Annatjie Greyvenstein and Elsa Meyer. All three have excelled and achieved national colours. These three Grand Masters will participate in the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games held in October. Elsa is also the South African 20km champion and Annatjie the 10km champ. Their fellow club mate, Belinda Skinner, won the SA 30km Championships recently held in Oudtshoorn.

The club hosts two big road races during the year. The Irene 10/21.1km is run in November and has become one of the largest events of its kind. The 5 000 entries at the 2006 event propelled the race to within the top ten largest races in the country. The race has been sponsored by Liqui Fruit for the past 13 years. A new route was introduced last year, making it an even better race within a tranquil environment.

The second race, the Irene Lantern Race, is a 10km event in February and is not only the largest night race, but also one of the largest 10km races in the country. The average number of entries for large night races in the country is about 1 000 while the Lantern Race attracts more than 4 000 competitors. The beauty of the race is that lanterns light the entire route. A third race, a 15km event, is in the pipeline and IRRC promises that this race will be run in a true farm atmosphere. In 2006, Irene presented its first cross country event and the event is now a fixture on the cross country event calendar.

Time trials are held on a Tuesday evening on the grounds of the ARC. Starting time is 17:30 from September to April and 17:15 from May to August. Training is allowed on the premises from 13:00 during weekdays with no restrictions over weekends. Time trials are well attended with more than 100 members participating on some evenings.


The club believes there should be a healthy balance between participation in sport and the enjoyment thereof – both for members and their families – as this is a good way to stimulate growth and sustainability in sport. The club’s social scene includes:

  • Away weekends to attend races countrywide.
  • Away weekends twice a year with emphasis placed on family involvement rather than running.
  • Club tents and refreshments are provided at most races. The club has a catering trolley with coffee, tea and eats. Gerard van den Raad, without fail, gets the trolley to all the races, while Koos Loots, a social member, makes sure everyone is well hydrated and fed after a race and that runner’s tog bags are exactly where they were left.
  • Monthly socials are held at the club with presentations by sponsors, medical and nutritional experts and gear suppliers.
  • Pre- and post-Comrades functions.
  • Spring Race/Hat Run.

A special social evening is held every first Tuesday of the month. These evenings are very popular and between 200 and 300 people attend. It is also an opportunity for medical suppliers, coaches and suppliers of shoes and clothing to show off the latest in technology. These functions serve as the perfect opportunity for members to build team spirit. Sometimes the men even get the chance to show off their baking skills by baking pancakes for fellow club mates.

A key element in the success of IRRC is communication. Every Monday morning, each member receives a newsletter with photos of the weekend races and the latest club news. In this way, members get to share in each other’s joy and sometimes even sorrow, says Wynand.

And as it goes in all clubs, IRRC has a group of runners who make the club unique. “We call them the Doringboom gang; they love to sit under a specific tree after a time trial and sometimes they enjoy the drinks more than the run,” says Wynand.

A formal function known as the Chairman’s Ball is held once a year; this year it was held at the Irene Country Club. “We dress up, drink and dance. It’s a chance to show each other we own clothes other than our running shoes, shorts and vests. Sometimes we don’t even recognise each other.” Another more informal function is held at the end of the year and includes a prize giving ceremony where athletes are not only rewarded for outstanding performances, but also for anything remarkable or unique they have done in running circles. Comrades runners get to celebrate their journey at a post-Comrades party held at the clubhouse just after the race.

“It’s our team spirit and visibility at races that stand out. People can see we are having fun. Our club colours are also nice. Some members have joined just because they liked it so much,” says Wynand.

The club’s fun focus does not mean that it doesn’t attract top athletes. Numerous Irene athletes finish in top positions at a lot of running and walking races held every weekend. Annerien van Schalkwyk is one such a member. She finished second overall in the Spar Grand Prix Ladies Challenge in 2007. In 2008, she finished third at the 5 000m South African Track and Field Championships in Stellenbosch and fourth at the Two Oceans Half Marathon in 2008 and 2009. She was also the first lady home in the South African Half Marathon Championships in Port Elizabeth in a personal best of 1:11:49. She represented South Africa at the IAAF Half Marathon Championships in 2008 in Brazil and in October, she is on her way to the same championships, this time in England.

The club prides itself on its strong veteran runners: Dirk Cloete, Greg Barnes, Ansie Viljoen and Lettie Saayman feature amongst the stronger veteran athletes.

A name which will probably be carved into Irene’s history books is that of Marina van Deventer. She recently made the front page of several newspapers after she was dragged for kilometres through the snow at the gruelling 52km Rhodes Ultra Marathon. Marina broke her ankle in two places after stepping in a hole about 25km into the race. Fellow athletes had to set it using thorn branches and plastic bags. The road the athletes were running on was covered in snow and no vehicles could gain access. Fellow running mates dragged her through the snow before they could find help at a medical station. Marina is recovering well and still attending time trials, though she can’t run, says Wynand.


The club is proud of their group performances:

  • Most entries for many races such as the Spar Ladies races.
  • Top five largest clubs with entries at Comrades and Two Oceans.
  • Most entries in a number of community events.
  • Largest support group at the Wheelchair Race for the Pretoria School for the Disabled.
  • Gauteng North Club Time Trial Champions.

In 2007 members of the club achieved:

  • 175 podium positions at races.
  • 31 athletes received provincial colours for a variety of events.
  • One athlete received National Colours and represented South Africa (Annerien).
  • Two national titles (Annerien and Annatjie).

The club is committed to the upliftment of disadvantaged athletes. A substantial amount of funds is used to subsidise running gear and race fees to runners who would otherwise not have been able to participate in the sport.

A number of charities and community organisations also benefit from funds raised during club activities. Beneficiaries include Irene Homes for the mentally disabled. Last year, the club donated R6 000 to Irene Homes, a beneficiary of the club’s annual Hat Race held at the Wally Hayward Race in May.

Tshwane Child and Family Welfare Society is the beneficiary of the Irene 10/21.1km race. Various other community projects include the collection of blankets, stationery, food and Christmas gifts during the year. Members also regularly donate clothing and toys for needy families. “We try to reach out to communities and make a difference in the lives of others. It’s not just about us,” says Wynand.

Irene is a club that functions as a big family. “We care for each other and want people to enjoy life in a healthy environment through socialising and exercising.” If you are as serious about having fun as you are about running, you might want to consider putting on your running shoes and start running for this club. 

012 654 0005 / 082 937 0733
[email protected]

Running from Pain

Running from Pain

The proper role of pain relief medication in sports medicine has always been controversial. The effects and effectiveness of these drugs in treating musculoskeletal injuries remain largely unknown due to the scarcity of studies specifi c to the athletic community. These drugs do have their uses, but are clearly not always good for you.

Aspirin, which was first used in 1899, and its salicyclate derivatives were the only anti-infl ammatory agents available for several decades. Corticosteroids were developed in the 1940s and are powerful anti-infl ammatory agents, which can have serious side effects, especially if used long term. Then in 1949, a third category of anti-infl ammatory was developed. These did not belong to the salicyclate or corticosteroid group and thus the name ‘non-salicylate, non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs’ (NSAIDs) evolved.

NSAIDs are the most frequently prescribed and administered group of medications worldwide. All have anti-infl ammatory, analgesic (pain-relieving) and anti-pyretic (fever-relieving) properties, but unfortunately, continue to be associated with serious adverse effects.

Medical practitioners, while well-intentioned, often prescribe NSAIDs in the management of injuries before, during or after sporting activity. Unfortunately, while they make recovery from a strenuous workout or nagging injury more tolerable, they can provide one with a false sense of security because they:

  • Allow some athletes to go longer and harder than they should.
  • Can mask and reduce indicators of underlying injury (pain and swelling).

Conventional wisdom dictates that all infl ammation is bad and needs to be reduced. However, research suggests that medication to reduce inflammation may actually be counter-productive, as it blocks the body’s natural healing process – and can lead to serious complications.

Pain, swelling and loss of function naturally prevent further damage to an injured area. Infl ammation is therefore an essential element to the healing process of all tissues and several studies have shown that by blocking infl ammation, the repair and cellular regeneration process is blunted. These studies show that NSAIDs used for treating injuries may reduce acute pain and allow an athlete to return to action sooner, but may neither facilitate faster healing nor promote long-term healing, and may instead increase the risk of further injury.

Central to this process are chemicals called Prostaglandins (PGs), which are produced by COX enzymes in the body.

COX-1 enzymes produce those PGs that support the bloodclotting function of platelets (cells) in the blood, and also protect the lining of the stomach from the damaging erosive effects of gastric acid. COX-2 enzymes produce PGs that promote infl ammation, pain and fever.

NSAIDs block COX enzymes and reduce PGs throughout the body. As a result, the infl ammation, pain and fever needed for the healing process are reduced. Also, since the PGs that protect the stomach and support blood clotting are reduced, NSAIDs can lead to gastro-duodenal ulcers and promote bleeding.

This led to the development of a more enzyme-selective group of NSAIDs with fewer gastric side effects, which still had the desired effect of traditional NSAIDs. Selective COX-2 NSAIDs have been marketed since 1999, but unfortunately come with their own controversy, as they are not fully understood yet.

Multiple studies have indicated an increased risk of myocardial infarction (death of heart tissue), stroke, heart failure and hypertension, particularly in patients with prior cardiovascular disease or risk factors for it. Until the molecular differences among these agents are better understood through further long-term studies, this group of NSAIDs should be limited to patients for whom there are no appropriate alternatives, and then, only in the lowest dose and for the shortest duration necessary.

Aside from injury-treatment, endurance athletes are more likely to use NSAIDs to complete events, and they need to be verycareful when considering taking NSAIDs during training and competition. NSAIDs appear to contribute to hypertension, fl uid imbalances, electrolyte disorders and even renal failure in
endurance events. Older athletes will see these changes sooner by virtue of their age, associated vascular (blood vessel) changes, medical conditions and medications.

Furthermore, the combined use of NSAIDs with exercise increases the likelihood of stomach problems and gastric side effects. As well as the biochemical and biomechanical stresses associated with exercise, the integrity of the stomach lining layers can be compromised due to the decreased blood supply to the
gastro-intestinal tract. Also, drinking alcohol while taking any of the NSAIDs will increase the risk of gastritis and gastro-intestinal bleeding.

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) describes muscle pain or stiffness experienced 24 to 72 hours after exercise, particularly at the beginning of a new exercise regime, after a change in sports activities, or after a dramatic increase in the duration or intensity of exercise. This normal response is due to eccentric (contraction when the muscle is lengthened), mechanical derangement of muscle fi bres and is part of an adaptation process that leads to greater stamina and strength as the muscles recover.

Several studies have examined the use of NSAIDs as a preventative measure, but even though there was a reduced perception of pain and muscle soreness, it still did not prevent muscle cell injury from occurring. Creatine-kinase, an enzyme marker for muscle injury, was still raised in all studies. Therefore,
the use of NSAIDs as a preventative measure has no effect on DOMS other than decreasing the  perception of pain.

One of the oldest myths and errors in sports medicine has been the classifi cation of tendon injuries as infl ammatory conditions. This misunderstanding of ‘tendonitis’ has become ingrained into the minds of coaches, athletes, parents and doctors to such an extent that NSAIDs have become a refl ex treatment for these injuries.

The properly-termed ‘tendinopathy’ or ‘tendinosis’ shows disorganised, haphazard areas of healing with frayed and disrupted collagen fi brils and a scarcity of infl ammatory cells. NSAIDs may help mask associated pain, but will have no added benefit in treating infl ammation that is not present. NSAIDs may
blunt long-term healing and although the return to activity may be sooner, the chronic nature of the  condition may be extended due to stresses and strains on non-healing tissue.

Although the widespread use of NSAIDs has gained almost universal acceptance, there is minimal scientifi c evidence of their effectiveness in the treatment of sports injuries. The complexity of side effects, drug interactions, co-morbid conditions (presence of additional disorders or diseases) and use in the athletic population calls for other pain relief strategies.

Preferably, no athlete should rely on any drug to complete an event and athletes are advised not to use NSAIDs, particularly on event days. Realistically though, those who are suffering with musculoskeletal injuries may ignore this advice.

Gavin Shang – Modern Athlete Expert
MB BCh (Wits)
MPhil Sports Medicine (UCT/SSISA)

Dr Gavin Shang is a Sports Physician at the Rosebank Centre for Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics in Johannesburg. He holds a Masters degree in Sports Medicine and has worked with numerous top local and international sports people over the years.