Early bird entries close tonight


This is your last chance to secure your early bird entries for the final fitCal Night Trail Run of 2015.

Your entries have to be in by 20:00 tonight to qualify for the discounted entry fee of R100 per person.

The final fitCal Night Trail Run of 2015 takes place at the Wanderers Golf Club on Sunday 15 December.

Starting at 19:00, there are two distances to choose from, a five kilometre or a 10 kilometre.

After tonight, entries will cost R150 until Sunday 13 December at midday. Late entries, purchased at registration, will cost R200. So its definitely worth-while to purchase your entries as soon as possible.

All participants will receive an awesome goodie bag and their first drink free after they cross the finish line.

For more information, https://modernathlete.co.za/events/fitcal-night-trail-run-4