Fast and Flat Please!

You Win Some You Lose Some


Goal: Finishing my first Comrades (sub-12)
Result: 11:41:36

Start to 30km: Elation at the start and excitement in the first few kays. I worried when I could not keep up with the sub-11 bus (yes, I started a bit fast!). But then I settled into my own pace and rhythm.
30km to 60km: I was disappointed when the sub-11:30 bus passed me and fatigue set in as the too fast start took its toll. Panic set in as the sub-12 bus came by, but I felt relief as I realised that I could easily keep up with them.
60km to finish: I felt better at the 60km mark than at halfway. With 13km to go I had renewed energy, and went ahead to finish before the sub-12 bus.

What was the hardest part of the race?
Around halfway and feeling… tired!

And the best part?
Running into the stadium, crossing the finish line, phoning home.

Were there times when you wanted to give up?
Only once – briefly – did I wish I could just get ‘out’.

When did you realise that you were going to achieve your goal?
When I saw I could easily keep up with the sub-12 hour bus.

What helped you achieve your goal?
Joining Vlam’s bus. And my stubborn streak!

How did you feel crossing the finish line?
Relieved. Emotional, happy!

How did you feel physically after the race?
My legs got very stiff, very quickly. My blood sugar dropped, but some sweet tea remedied that.

Were you happy?

Did this encourage you for future races?

How long are you resting before training again?
I’m taking two weeks off running.

Will you be back at Comrades in 2011?

Are you going to try for a Vic Clapham medal again?
I’d like a bronze medal, but we’ll see how the training goes.

Is there anything you will be doing differently in your training for next year’s Comrades?
More hills, regular time trials.

What are your next short-term and long-term goals?
Working on my 5km time and running a comfortable 4:30 marathon.