I hope everybody enjoyed all the recent public holidays! I was fortunate to spend Freedom day in Pilanesberg, camping for the long weekend. What I love most about running is that I can take my running shoes with me and explore new places, except running in Pilanesberg of course!
Saturday afternoon I head out of Pilanesberg to do a 16km tempo. My boyfriend, Andre, took the easy way out and opted to follow me in the car. Even though I had to dodge goats and chickens I had such a pleasant run. There was a very festive atmosphere in the village. The morning’s funeral setting was replaced with a jumping castle and some pumping music. There was also a lot of support along the road with kids shouting, “GO mlungu (white person) GO! “
Halfway in my tempo run a car started to follow us, flickering lights and showing Andre to pull over. This carried on for a couple of kilometres with a guy hanging out of the window, waving papers in the air. Eventually Andre pulled over; I also stopped and was ready to jump in the car in case of emergency. Two guys jumped out of the car and handed us entry forms for the Kgatleng Heritage Sports Marathon.
The entry form was not very useful; the only thing I could make out was that the entry fee was R20. No race date or venue! After enquiring more about the race, the marathon turned out to be a 10km. The race takes place at 7:00 on the 16th of June at Magong Village followed by a 16 team Soccer Tournament.